Free Speech Victory

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Police officers in Carrollton, Ohio, showed up at a front door and ordered a resident to remove a political sign from his front yard.  This was because of a local ordinance that read, “Political signs may be exhibited not more than thirty days before nor more than seven days after the date of any election.”

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) was contacted by the residents.  The ACLJ sent a letter to Carrollton demanding that it stop enforcing this unconstitutional ordinance and preventing their clients from displaying political signs in their yards.

The village acceded to these demands.  Not only that the village amended its sign ordinance to remove all regulation on the posting of political signs.

This kind of success is a direct downstream event from Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter.  Musk’s purchase underscored the importance of free and unfettered speech.  It put a spotlight on the fact that many areas of American life had become controlled to the point where people were afraid to express themselves.  Without Musk’s purchase, people would still be having major difficulties in getting their viewpoints heard if such viewpoints conflicted with the prevailing political ideologies.

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