Category Archives: Big Pharma

Dr. Fauci & The CIA

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Dr. Fauci is a central figure in the COVID pandemic that was unleashed upon the world.  Fauci has been accused of suppressing information about treatments (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, etc.) that were effective at mitigating and stopping the virus.   Fauci was a big supporter of the lockdowns that had absolutely no effect on the transmission of the virus.  Fauci has also been interviewed by Congress over his role in “gain of function” research into viral agents.  Now his “influence” over a CIA investigation into the origins of COVID has been subject to some sunlight by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (SSCP).

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Show Me The Difference

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The first Republican debate is now history.  Of all the candidates on stage (even the elephant that was in the room), only Vivek Ramaswamy stood out.  I will reserve judgement on him until I learn more.  The rest of them are cogs in a machine.  There is little difference between them and their counterparts on the other side of the aisle.

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Recently I posted an article about pretending.  The reason that the evil people have gotten away with so much is that people pretend that such evil does not exist.  It is the only honest evaluation of today’s state of affairs that explains how so many people do not see the evil that surrounds us.

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Trump Op-Ed

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PDJT has been battered again and again since June 2015 when he came down the escalator to announce his candidacy.  Since PDJT embarked on this journey, it has been a moral crusade, one that has resonated with the people of this country and with others around the world.  Regardless of what they have thrown at him, the baseless impeachments, the current made-up legal challenges, the people are seeing through the BS and the smokescreens that have been thrown up.

On Monday, PDJT released an op-ed in Newsweek that destroys the woke establishment in Washington.  It distills the issues, events and consequences of all that has transpired.  As President Trump notes toward the end of his discussion, “there must be a reckoning.”

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Don’t Read

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One thing that has been denigrated and demonized over the last few years is doing your own research on a topic.  This was particularly true during the COVID reign of terror.  People would become emotional and attack you if you quoted facts that did not jive with their understanding of the world.

One example of this was ivermectin.  This drug, which has a stellar safety record, was characterized as a horse medicine that no responsible human being would ingest.  This was stated despite the fact that ivermectin had been taken in Africa for decades as a preventative.  It was known as the “Sunday drug.”

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The Unvaccinated Are Scum

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We are beginning to see a world-wide attempt to re-write history when it comes to the saga of the “vaccine” that was supposed to stop COVID.  Excess mortality that is not going away is causing a lot of people to wake up to the dangers posed by the mRNA therapy.  It is important to remember just what the situation was two years ago.

This excellent compilation video from Tom Elliot reminds us just who hated those who questioned the efficacy of the therapy and how significant that hatred was. ... 

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