Category Archives: COVID-19

Are Vaccine Deaths Rising?

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Slay News reported, “1,249 young healthy athletes have suffered sudden heart attacks or other serious issues since last year, disturbing new data has revealed.

“Among those to have fallen ill, a staggering 847 have died.

For comparison, the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks dated from 1966 to 2004.

In those 38 years of records, the documents show a total of 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age.

I wonder what happened last year to cause this sudden catastrophic increase?

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Biden’s Inanities

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Biden traveled to Wilkes-Barre this week to promote his “Safer America” agenda, which is focused on deterring crime and helping law enforcement. The Avatar seems to have forgotten that he and his buddies wanted to defund police just a short time back.  This was done so that they could move towards federalizing the nation’s police.

Biden also expressed the desire to toughen up gun laws and take guns away from law-abiding Americans.

During the speech, Biden made up stuff about the speed that an AR-15 shoots bullets. ... 

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Is The Dark Side Stronger?

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Neil Oliver has delivered another excellent weekly monologue.  First, Oliver walks through British officials trying to squirm out from under the results of pushing the COVID nonsense and panic.  Then he swivels to the much more important issue of what the real agenda is of the people who think they rule the world unopposed.

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Preaching Totalitarianism

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The result of preaching totalitarian doctrines is to weaken the instinct by means of which free peoples know what is or is not dangerous.” — George Orwell, Animal Farm

Perhaps no quote is more apropos for our times about what is going on in western countries right now.  Bob Livingston has written an essay that pours sunlight on this idea.

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Vaccine Bits

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New York City is closing “Infant COVID Vaccination Sites”, citing lack of demand!  This has happened because parents refused to give their children the COVID vaccine.

This is a win for science.  There never was a reason for kids this young to be jabbed.  90% of parents of kids under 5 have refused to allow their children to be jabbed with the COVID mRNA therapy.  The facts of the huge numbers of adverse events from the jabs has slowly seeped out into the public consciousness.  This is reflected in the declining numbers of people who are getting “boosted.” ... 

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It’s Over

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Quietly, with almost no notice, the CDC announced that there would no longer be any restrictions on COVID exposure and all the other nonsense they had promulgated over the last 2+ years. Effectively this was a complete capitulation to the facts surrounding COVID.

In a news briefing, Greta Massetti, chief of the CDC’s Field Epidemiology and Prevention Branch, said, “The current conditions of this pandemic are extremely different from those of the prior two years.”

Massetti will get no argument from me on that. We now know without a doubt that the “miracle vaccine” does not stop infection and does not stop transmission. In addition, over 170,000 hospitalizations have been blamed on the jabs.

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