Category Archives: Different

Mike Benz and Tucker Carlson

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This is a long interview (over two hours) that touches on many topics that those of us have followed.  Benz is no the best person at articulating issues.  However, what he does reveal is a gold mine.  Benz is caught between the need of the US to project “soft power” and the absolute evil that has manifested itself through agencies like USAID in doing so.

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The USAID story is running wild through the streets of DC.  The politicians screaming the loudest about Musk and “his boys” rummaging through the payments are probably those who were benefitting either directly or indirectly from these payments.  USAID has been exposed as a giant slush fund for leftist causes.

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Something Different

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We often hear about those moments in sports that portray the bad side of it.  Parents who believe that their youngster is the next coming of whoever.  Coaches who fly off into a rage over some slight to their amazing abilities to coach a team.

This is a different story.

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Brutally honest.  That is the best description of a press conference that Vladimir Putin held regarding the motives of the outgoing administration as they attempt to escalate the war between NATO and Russia.

I am no expert about Vladimir Putin.  However, I perceive him to be a shrewd individual who genuinely wants to get off the escalatory ladder that Biden, et al, are forcing on him.

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God Bless America

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Lord, we entrust the United States of America to Your loving care at this critical time in our country’s history. 🇺🇸 You are the rock on which our great nation was founded. ✝️ We pray You reclaim this land for Your glory, and dwell among all Your people forever. 🌟 ✊🇺🇸 🙏

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Free At Last

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This is a must watch.  This senator explains why he left the Democratic Party.  He has seen the marionette strings.  State Senator Elbert Guillory takes an ax to the Democratic Party and its relationship with Black America.

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