Category Archives: Different

Things That Make You Go…Hmm

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Conspiracy theories are just that…theories.  Until they are proven to be facts.  There have been an awful lot of “conspiracy theories” declared as such by the Left that have been shown to be true in the last few years.

There were the “theories” that PDJT was being wiretapped during the 2016 election campaign.  Subsequently tons of evidence surfaced that the FBI and the DOJ were engaging in just that activity.  FISA warrants existed surveilling more than one person in the campaign circle around PDJT.  All of this was done under the umbrella of “national security.”  Hmm. ... 

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Thanksgiving 2022

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We The People have always been the foundation of American greatness.  Today on Thanksgiving we give thanks for that.

Those who wish to “fundamentally change” our nation (looking at you, Obama) are waging in a full-frontal assault against our constitutional republic.  At times the bombardment seems overwhelming, but We The People are stronger.  Their demand for control via lockdowns, mandated jabs, coerced speech, etc. is a reaction to fear.   The Marxist movement is desperate as they know that control is slipping away.

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The greatest moment in the history of sportsmanship

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Every once in a while, we need to be reminded that there is good in the world.  Sometimes we can lose sight of that with all the evil manifesting itself among our political elites.  This happened in the Southwest Regional championship in the Little League World Series Tournament.

It happened in the very first inning of the Southwest Region championship. Two boys who when they woke up this morning only cared about one thing… get to Williamsport. Suddenly everything changed, because in real life things happen just like that … things change in a heartbeat. ... 

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I Am An American

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Freedom is a valuable and precious gift worth fighting for.  As Sundance notes:

We Americans come from solid stock.  We carry in our DNA a fortitude of individual identity that is not dependent on government for affirmation or permission.  We are the beneficiaries of those who believed in stubborn independence.

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