Category Archives: Election

Why Instigate An “Insurrection?”

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The events of January 6th continue to be front and center for those who pay attention.  Individuals who walked into the Capitol Building were made political prisoners.  Their trials are show trials to convince the public that imminent danger was present, that people who believed in the American dream were extremists who needed to be shut away in jail.  Some of these people who actually helped the police have received sentences of years in jail.

As time passes, more questions are being raised about the events that day.

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A Way Forward

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One of the things that I hear from people from time to time about the corruption in our government is, “There is nothing we can do to change what is going on.”  Some may opine that the only answer to these corrupt and evil people is violence.

Now let me state upfront that I agree that the behaviors we are seeing within the ranks of our political elite will not change until and unless people go to jail.  And right now, the corrupt elites control most of the levers of power.  So, what can be done? ... 

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DeSantis Launch

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The abject failure of the DeSantis launch of his presidential campaign on Wednesday reminds me of another spectacular failure that occurred in Florida some 55+ years ago.

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American Media

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American media has become a laughingstock in the world of honest journalism.  They hand out Pulitzers now for stories that are fabrications from beginning to end.  This is done to sway the public that something real is there when, in reality, ghosts would have more substance.

Honest journalism inside of Big Media does not exist.  They’re not even trying anymore, and I wonder if they ever did.

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We Caught Them All

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The Durham Report (316 pages) shows that everything that Trump said about the spying and other activities against the Trump administration was true.  As Sundance has noted:

The bottom line is that everything the Obama justice department, IC and FBI did, to include support from Republicans in congress during the 2016 election and aftermath, was a coup d’état against U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration.  This is the truth of the thing.

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How Near The End?

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Jill Biden does not want to give up the White House.  This is why she is continuing to push for a second term for Joe.  However, the powers behind the curtain never planned for Biden to be more than a one term president since the “fundamental changes” wrought by the extreme leftists behind the curtain would prevent that.  These people are destroying America as a land of opportunity, as the shining city on the hill.

Someone else, someone different would be needed to represent the Democratic side of the Uniparty in the 2024 election process.  Whoever that may be would say something like “mistakes were made and I am the person to clean up the mess.”  Of course, if elected, no such cleaning up will take place.

However, an incumbent President has significant drawing power during the primary process.  How will the insiders stop Biden?

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The Video Candidate

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Joe Biden, despite all of the criminal activities surrounding him, has decided to run for President again.  How do I know?  I saw it on a video announcing this.  Yes, that’s right.  Biden did not do it in person.  A three-minute video was released.  Why?  Probably because he cannot campaign in person without falling down.  Probably because he cannot answer ad hoc questions from reporters.  I wonder how much editing was required to produce the video.

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Brutally Honest

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The Avatar that sometimes sleeps at the White House has been told that he wants to spend a few nights there between 2025 and 2029.  The announcement comes just 24 hours after Susan Rice, the “power behind the curtain?” ran from the White House and just days after the Democrats announced that there would be no primary debates.

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