Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Colorado Insurrection

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The Colorado insurrection will likely be quashed by the Supreme Court.  It is always risky to make predictions based on the oral arguments presented.  However, it seems likely that SCOTUS will end the insurrection by the Colorado Supreme Court by reversing their ruling removing PDJT from the ballot.

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Democrats Gaslighting America Again

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Jim Hoft over at the Gateway pundit has released the Democrats’ nine step plan to blame PDJT for the ongoing border crisis.  Let’s be reminded that during the four years of the Trump administration, 1.97 million border encounters occurred.  Three of the four years saw 405,000 or less.

Biden’s first year in office saw 1.96 million encounters.  It is unclear how many more “gotaways” occurred. However, that number is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands.

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Has Justice Disappeared In America?

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It seems like every other day some egregious violation of justice emerges from somewhere in America.  Back in 2020 we had a summer of riots and chaos.  BLM and Antifa were untouchables who could engage in whatever mayhem they wanted to without fear that they would be incarcerated even for serious criminal violations of the law.  It became so bad that some communities took matters into their own hands to prevent the wanton destruction of property.

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Odds & Ends

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In an unexpected twist to the Biden regime’s environmental policy, affluent areas, including Martha’s Vineyard, Montauk, and parts of Nantucket, have been designated as “low-income” communities, making them eligible for federal tax credits for electric vehicle (EV) charger installations, Daily Caller reported.

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A Most Humiliating Defeat

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Is it time for Nikki Haley to pack up her campaign baggage and retire to the cocktail party circuit?  After what happened in Nevada, Haley should be wishing she had never listened to the billionaires who wooed her and financed her to run.

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Trial Suspended

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The Special Counsel election interference case against PDJT has been suspended.  President Trump’s attorneys argued to the DC Circuit appellate court that PDJT holds inherent constitutional immunity. In essence, because President Trump was acquitted by the Senate of claims he incited or instigated the January 6, 2021, events, lawyers are arguing that under the Constitution only impeached and removed presidents can be criminally prosecuted.

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Stop Pretending

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What Tucker Carlson speaks to below is the disconnect between We The People and those who hold power.  In this joint discussion about the possibilities in 2024, both Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson take the idea of “stop pretending” and turn the phrase into “speak truth.”  This video is worth ten minutes of your time.

These two men both address topics that are important to so many citizens of the world, and they both do it with such compassion for people and deep thought and good insights. ... 

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