Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Texas Declares War

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Governor Greg Abbott today issued a statement on Texas’ constitutional right to defend and protect itself as President Joe Biden continues to attack Texas and refuse to perform his duties to secure the border.

Millions of illegal aliens are swarming the border and the federal government refuses to do anything about it.  In fact, there are Senators in Congress who want to make it legal for 5,000 aliens to enter illegally every day

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New Hampshire

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Trump is now two for two.  Despite being outspent by Haley roughly 2 to 1, Trump posted a win in a state where the pros had said that Haley had a good chance for a landslide victory just a few short months ago.  Both candidates will move on to Nevada and South Carolina.

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Election News

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Who is expected to win in the New Hampshire Communist Democratic primary?  Joe Biden, though it doesn’t really matter. Last year the Democratic National Committee knocked New Hampshire from its “first in the nation primary” status, instructing the state to go second, after South Carolina (Iowa was removed from the ranks of “early states” altogether). But under New Hampshire law the state’s primary has to be first, and a Republican-controlled state government had no interest in accommodating Biden and the DNC. Thus, New Hampshire Democrats are holding an “unsanctioned” primary. ... 

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Never Nikki

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Senator Rand Paul just launched #NeverNikki, a campaign to generate opposition to the execrable Nikki Haley. And good for him.

There is zero grassroots support for the execrable Nikki Haley. None. She is the corporate candidate, the candidate of big money and big media.  Democrats are now trying to elevate her campaign.  Democrats are being urged to cross party lines and vote for her in the New Hampshire primary.  Why?

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After a career spent being constantly outclassed in the intelligence department, Vice President Kamala Harris enjoyed finally being the smartest person in the room during her appearance on ABC’s The View.

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Odds & Ends

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Go Ahead, Try And Argue Facts….Let’s start: Boeing. An aircraft “door” (really a plug, but in a place where it can be a plug or a door) flies off in flight. So how did it happen in the case of Alaska Air?

At least two and perhaps four bolts, nuts and their safety wiring or cotter pin were left off when the plug was installed onto the frame of the aircraft. What’s worse is that United, when inspecting their similar aircraft after the first incident, has reported loose bolts on the lower hinge assemblies and some photos of those have circulated. ... 

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Trump Is Hitler

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The Communists Democrats will try to smear PDJT and finish their fundamental transformation of America into a Marxist hellhole in November.  They will try to paint PDJT as someone who does not believe in liberty and freedom.  Already multiple “Trump Is Hitler” smears have been seeded into the media narratives in this country.

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Absolute Immunity

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PDJT’s lawyer was asked about presidential immunity on Tuesday, by Federal Judge Florence Pan.  The specifics of the question surrounded if President Trump could order SEAL Team Six to assassinate an American citizen and if Absolute Immunity would apply.

This question of immunity for actions taken as President is currently front and center to much of the lawfare that is being waged against PDJT.  Now when we talk about absolute immunity, we are not talking about actions taken outside of his duties as President.  Just those actions taken within his role as the unitary executive of our republic.

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