Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Thanksgiving 2023

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Thanksgiving is once again upon us.  In this uniquely American holiday, we give thanks for all the good things in our lives.  On more than one occasion, I have said that I won the lottery when I was born in this country.  The greatest experiment in human governance may be struggling right now but we can give thanks that it is still here.

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NYC Trump Show Trial

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Last week President Trump delivered a masterclass in New York real estate that ran counter to the narrative created by the Lawfare group.  Judge Engoron wanted to silence President Trump during his testimony as the evidence PDJT presented ran counter to the effort and showed President Trump’s business smarts.

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Highlights & Lowlights

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An ABC panel on Sunday openly discussed Joe Biden, “the most popular president in US history,” stepping aside after a new NYT poll shows Trump leading in 5 crucial swing states.

This would indicate that the powers behind the curtain have given the media a green light to throw Joe Biden in the trash can.  Watch for more stories showing up in Big Media about his corruption problems.

Joe Biden is currently lagging behind Trump in five of the six most crucial battleground states as the 2024 election approaches, according to new polls by The New York Times and Siena College.

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Odds & Ends

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Crypto conman Sam Bankman-Fried has been found guilty of fraud and conspiracy. The evidence was overwhelming and the three former executives who worked side by side with him testified against him.  It took the jury just over four hours to render guilty verdicts on all seven counts.

Of course, with all the friends he had among elite politicians this may have been a surprise to Bankman-Fried.  However, Bankman-Fried was expendable by the Democrats once the money laundering operation started to dry up after the 2022 election.

Bankman-Fried is the fall guy.  I wonder just what he knows about the inner machinations of the money laundering operations that shovel money to politicians.

What is his life expectancy now?

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White Smoke 

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It was a tradition in the Catholic Church that, when a new Pope had been elected, white smoke would emanate from the Vatican.  It did not matter how long such a process took.  It did not matter how many votes were needed.  It was over when white smoke was seen.

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