Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Economic Chaos

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Karl Denninger was the founder and CEO of MCSNet. He later sold the company to Winstar Communications.  Denninger is a founding contributor to the finance blog, and has used the internet to bring attention to his concerns with the financial system.  Denninger was also one of the early members of the Tea Party movement, sometimes referred to as a founder.

Denninger is gifted at processing mountains of statistical data and being able to present his findings in an understandable manner.  He does not pretend.  Denninger does not ignore data he does not like.

Denninger did an outstanding job with COVID data.  While I do not always subscribe to his ideas for fixing things, his analyses are thought provoking.

Karl Denninger believes we are headed to very bad economic times and he pulls no punches in telling everyone why.

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The idea that PDJT should be ineligible to run for President due to the “insurrection” that the government instigated on January 6th has been ludicrous from the beginning.  However, this has not stopped some people with serious cases of TDS from trying to do just that.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take a challenge to former President Donald Trump’s eligibility on New Hampshire’s ballots during the 2024 election.  The challenge was made on the basis that the aggrieved party was impaired from raising donations for his own campaign.  Yes, this is the serious reason given in this case to the courts

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Thoughts that echo through an idle mind.

Speaker Pro Tempore of the House Patrick McHenry was visibly furious over the ouster of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.  Was this because Pelosi and Steny Hoyer had promised to protect the Speakership if it was challenged?

Where was this anger when J6 defendants were and are still being railroaded by Biden’s weaponized DOJ?  Did McHenry ever speak out forcefully about this maladministration of justice?

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Eloquence In The Law

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As most of America knows, the corrupt prosecution of PDJT knows no bounds.  The UniParty will do anything to prevent PDJT from getting another term in office at the White House.  By any means necessary is their motto.

One aspect of this ongoing effort is to silence PDJT during the presidential campaign.  Almost two weeks ago Jack Smith’s prosecution asked a judge to silence PDJT during the campaign.  Ostensibly this was to protect the right to a fair and impartial administration of justice.  The fact that this would interfere in the election was ignored.  The public be damned is clearly at the forefront of their efforts.

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Never Give Up

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The silent majority are beginning to rise up.  The silent majority is becoming less silent.  They have been spectators so far to the battle that is going on.  Some engage in the fight from the periphery, but are still spectators.  They are not the target…yet.  But they will be once the obstacle that is in their way…President Donald J Trump…is removed.  But even if they succeed in dimming his message, others will step up.

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The Real Donald Trump

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This will not come as a surprise to most people who have spent any time learning about Donald Trump.  For the second time in my adult life, I have a President to be proud of.  The first was Ronald Reagan.

PDJT sees us not as the governed but as peers in this struggle called life.  You cannot fake what he did here. Read the testimonial from Marlon Bateman.

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Gag Orders

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Gag orders issued in criminal cases and less often in civil cases, are supposedly done to control publicity and protect the right to a fair trial.  Such orders are supposed to balance the right to a fair trial with the First Amendment free speech rights of the people being silenced.

Because courts have almost always overturned trial judges’ attempts to restrict the news media’s right to report on cases, gag orders typically apply to participants in a case.  This is especially true today with the widespread use of social media.  Citizen journalists abound and would be far more difficult to control.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith did the expected.  We all knew this was coming.  On Friday last week, U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan unsealed previously hidden court filings revealing the DOJ’s request to silence Donald Trump via a judicial gag order [Read PDF Here].

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Odds & Ends  

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A home run.  I have to hand to the Biden administration. Never before in American history has every single appointment been someone that is both incompetent and with a passion to tear down and destroy the country.

The political class has lately produced an impressive string of debacles: the Afghanistan pullout, urban crime waves, easily foreseen inflation, mayhem at the southern border, a self-generated energy crisis, a pandemic response that wrought little good and vast ruin.

Then there are the perennial national embarrassments: a mind-bogglingly expensive welfare state that doesn’t work, public schools that make kids dumber, universities that nurture destructive grievances and noxious ideologies, and a news media nobody trusts.

Need I go on?

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Odds & Ends

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It seems like only yesterday that we were talking about the government taking over other sections of the economy now that the New Mexico governor went full Hitler last Friday.  One area that was mentioned was food.  Now the mayor of Chicago wants to open city-owned grocery stores.  What could possibly go wrong?

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