Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

To Impeach Or Not To Impeach

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Impeachment of a President has been, is and always will be a political action.  As such, it must be seen in the view of political realities.  Richard Nixon was not removed from the presidency by impeachment.

Nixon resigned because the Democrats with the help of the FBI and Big Media whipped the American public into frenzy over an 18 minute gap in a recording of conversations in the Oval Office.  Nixon fed into this charade with his “Saturday Night Massacre” in removing elements of the DOJ from office.  This enraged the public who believed Nixon was trying to cover up criminal acts.  This led directly to Nixon’s resignation.

To this day, it has never been proved that Nixon had anything to do with the Watergate burglary or that he orchestrated and/or participated in its coverup not withstanding John Dean’s self-serving testimony.

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Show Me The Difference

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The first Republican debate is now history.  Of all the candidates on stage (even the elephant that was in the room), only Vivek Ramaswamy stood out.  I will reserve judgement on him until I learn more.  The rest of them are cogs in a machine.  There is little difference between them and their counterparts on the other side of the aisle.

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The First Loser

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Former Governor Chis Christie is beginning to look a lot like the first loser.  Vivek Ramaswamy comes off as the most genuine of the people on the stage in this exchange.

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Trump Doctrine

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PDJT has announced that he will not be doing the first debate.  And that may extend to all Republican primary debates.  Murdoch of Fox News is furious at the loss of revenue this will entail. Fox is bleeding viewers since the ouster of Tucker Carlson.  Ronna McDaniel is also upset since this will undoubtedly reduce the amounts of money coming into the coffers of the RNC.  Let’s always remember that the RNC is a private organization.  This private organization is beholden to those who fund it.

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New Hampshire

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Please note that this poll was taken BEFORE the Florida governor decided to compare Trump supporters to “listless vessels.”  DeSantis has dropped into fifth place behind Trump, Christie, Undecided and Ramaswamy.

Fox News and the RNC are furious that PDJT will not be present in Wisconsin.  This will undoubtedly cost Fox millions in ad revenue.

Not only that, but Brett Baier will not be able to support Jack Smith in his cases against PDJT.  While the Hunter Biden laptop was off limits during the 2020 presidential debate, Baier was almost certainly going to use the opportunity to grill Trump about J6 and documents at Mar-a-Lago. They would try to create legal jeopardy for Trump by provoking him into saying something that they could twist and use against him in front of judges and juries. So not attending the debate was the only sane option.  Now, the DOJ will have to look for another approach. ... 

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They Lied

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It goes without saying that most of the country now knows that the government lies to us whenever it suits them.  People are imprisoned falsely, railroaded, denied basic human rights because they are of the wrong political ideology.  The January 6th fedsurrection is just one example.

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Highlights and Lowlights

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Fox reported that Stockton Mayor Kevin Lincoln said that the 7/11 store clerks seen attacking a suspected shoplifter “are not and never have been suspects.”  Lincoln is referring to the July 29 attack of a suspected homeless man who at around 2:45 a.m. walked into a Stockton 7/11, jumped behind the counter and began clearing shelves full of items into a trash can.

“Suspected homeless man?”  That’s the focus of this news report?

The focus should be the fact that California has seeded a surge in thefts from stores because they have reduced the seriousness of these crimes. That is just one of many examples of the results of this insane approach to crime.

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