Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

They Lied

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It goes without saying that most of the country now knows that the government lies to us whenever it suits them.  People are imprisoned falsely, railroaded, denied basic human rights because they are of the wrong political ideology.  The January 6th fedsurrection is just one example.

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Highlights and Lowlights

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Fox reported that Stockton Mayor Kevin Lincoln said that the 7/11 store clerks seen attacking a suspected shoplifter “are not and never have been suspects.”  Lincoln is referring to the July 29 attack of a suspected homeless man who at around 2:45 a.m. walked into a Stockton 7/11, jumped behind the counter and began clearing shelves full of items into a trash can.

“Suspected homeless man?”  That’s the focus of this news report?

The focus should be the fact that California has seeded a surge in thefts from stores because they have reduced the seriousness of these crimes. That is just one of many examples of the results of this insane approach to crime.

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John Lauro Defends PDJT

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John Lauro, one of President Trump’s attorneys, went on Meet The Press and pushed back successfully against narrative engineer Chuck Todd’s attempts to justify the criminal prosecution of PDJT.  In the process Lauro exposes just how intellectually deficient Chuck Todd is.  Everytime Todd realized that he was losing the intellectual argument, the argument based on the facts, he changed the subject.

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Idle Thoughts

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Starting the fiscal year 2026, Minnesota will give $15 million to those who have been harmed by marijuana prohibition.  Yes, you read that right.  If you suffered because marijuana was a prohibited substance, the State of Minnesota will see that millions of dollars are available to help you over that trauma.

Sounds like a good program for Hunter Biden.

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Procedural Mistake?

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Was Jack Smith in such a hurry to provide a smokescreen for the corruption being exposed in the Capitol Building that he failed to understand the doors he was opening for PDJT?  Did Jack “Laventiy Beria” Smith just open the door for a full on display of all the indicators that the 2020 election had massive fraud?  Smith has filed criminal charges of fraud.  Smith must prove that the election was not stolen and that PDJT knew that the election was not stolen.  I won’t get into the freedom of speech issues here, just the aspects of the fraud charges.  I also will not delve into the fact that the Supreme Court by an 8-0 vote overturned a conviction where Smith had used the same theory of the crime.

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Once again, President Trump was indicted on Tuesday – the DAY AFTER Hunter Biden’s best friend and business associate Devon Archer testified that the Joe Biden was included on 20 calls when his son was sitting with foreign officials arranging influence peddling deals for the family.

Archer also testified that Joe Biden met with Russia’s Yelena Baturina who invested $40 million into Hunter Biden’s real estate ventures. And she also paid Hunter Biden $3.5 million in consulting fees. Joe Biden later excluded Baturina from his Russian sanctions list.

So what happened next? President Trump was indicted again today by corrupt Special Counsel Jack “Lavrentiy Beria” Smith.

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Trump Op-Ed

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PDJT has been battered again and again since June 2015 when he came down the escalator to announce his candidacy.  Since PDJT embarked on this journey, it has been a moral crusade, one that has resonated with the people of this country and with others around the world.  Regardless of what they have thrown at him, the baseless impeachments, the current made-up legal challenges, the people are seeing through the BS and the smokescreens that have been thrown up.

On Monday, PDJT released an op-ed in Newsweek that destroys the woke establishment in Washington.  It distills the issues, events and consequences of all that has transpired.  As President Trump notes toward the end of his discussion, “there must be a reckoning.”

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