Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Random Thoughts

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Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell has issued a warning to Republican Senators not to object to the certification of electors on January 6th.  McConnell has done this despite massive evidence of fraud having taken place during the election.  Just whose side is McConnell on?  It is certainly not the side of truth and justice.  Is it time to audit the Dominion Voting machines that returned him to the Senate?

Although it is illegal for non-citizens to vote in U.S. federal elections, a 1993 law prevents officials from requiring proof of citizenship, and 56% of registered voters in a new survey think that should change.  And just who passed such a law?  A Democratic President and a Democratic Congress.  I wonder how many illegals voted in the recent presidential election.  Without checks, a free and fair election is not possible. ... 

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Election Fraud Investigations Continue

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Despite the best efforts of the media to suppress information relating to the massive fraud in the recent election, more and more people believe that such fraud took place.  Nearly 60% of the public now believe that such fraud happened.  That includes 30% of Democrats!

December 14th is known as the “Safe Harbor Day” in presidential elections.  This is the day that the electors meet in all the states to cast their ballots for President.  In what is certainly unprecedented in recent presidential election history, seven states selected an alternate group of electors due to ongoing “irregularities” that are currently under investigation.  These include Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada and New Mexico. ... 

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Something’s Up

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While those of us who are Trump supporters have been disappointed with the pace of things exposing the election fraud and the wishy-washy response from judges who seem unwilling to recognize the fraud, something is up.  And it is not just PDJT rallying the troops.

One might think that PDJT’s rhetoric during the Medal of Freedom ceremony for Dan Gable was just that…rhetoric to rally the troops.

“… I think the case has already been made. If you look at the polls, it was a rigged election. You look at the different states. The election was totally rigged. It’s a disgrace to our country. It’s like a third-world country — these ballots pouring in from everywhere, using machinery that nobody knows ownership, nobody knows anything about. They have “glitches,” as they call them. Glitches. The glitches weren’t glitches. They got caught sending out thousands of votes — all against me, by the way. ... 

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Be Not Discouraged

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One of the things that the Democrats and their allies in the media have been desperate to achieve, is getting people who support PDJT to give up, to say “What’s the use?”  I have heard from many people who have been unable to see any path forward where the massive corruption within the presidential election could be exposed and overturned in time to stop the Deep State from stealing the election.

I am absolutely certain that PDJT won the election with the largest number of legitimate votes any American Presidential Candidate has ever received. PDJT CANNOT allow himself, and us, to be cheated out of that win, because it will mean the disfranchising of 78+ million Americans and that Americans have actually been cheated out of their country. ... 

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SCOTUS Weighs In

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Events are moving quickly now.  The State of Texas has filed a lawsuit on constitutional issues directly with the Supreme Court.  Eight other states have joined with Texas in this lawsuit.  The Supreme Court has given the four defendant states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin) until 3 PM Thursday to file their responses.

In essence Texas is arguing that these states violated the Constitution in how they changed their voting procedures.  Texas is also arguing that voters were harmed under the Equal Protection clause. ... 

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The Election Was Stolen

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The evidence continues to pile up in courts around the country.  The media continues to pretend that there is “no evidence of fraud.”  The media celebrates the potential demise of this country by blasting out story after story about “no evidence,” about cases denied despite judges having in their possession tons of affidavits.

Let’s look at a few incidents that have made it into official recordings, etc.  Keep in mind that people are putting their lives and livelihoods at risk by swearing under oath about what they saw.  Such risks do not include being pursued in the legal system if they lie under oath.  Houses have been bombed with large scale fireworks for supporting the narrative of fraud during the election. ... 

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The Evidence Mounts

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While the media continue to cry that “no evidence exists,” that the President is speaking without any evidence to back up what he is claiming about fraud, the real evidence continues to pile up around the country.

One such piece of evidence is stunning CCTV video footage of State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.  It shows that, after poll monitors and media were told counting was done, four workers stayed behind to count mystery ballots. In the video the workers are seen pulling out suitcases containing ballots from underneath a table.  It certainly appears that the table was set up to hide the suitcases of ballots.

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The Most Important Speech In America’s History

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President Trump gave a speech yesterday that may be the most important speech in a century in this country.  Do we want a country that is responsive to the people or do we want a government that decides what we are allowed to think, what we are allowed to do and what we are allowed to say?

Is PDJT signaling that strong measures may be coming?


This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made. I want to provide an update on our ongoing efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculously long November 3rd elections. ... 

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Random Thoughts

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If COVID 19 protocols work, why did the governor of Colorado test positive?  Colorado has been at the forefront of virtue signaling with mask mandates, lockdowns and social distancing.  Is it possible that the virus will do what the virus will do?

Iranian generals and regime officials are threatening to avenge the assassination of a top nuclear scientist.  Inside Iran and elsewhere, the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh is being compared to that of Qods Force commander Qassem Soleimani.

In the U.S., Communists Bernie Sanders, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Obama National Security Council member Ben Rhodes were among those denouncing the assassination.  I wonder if Tehran would be willing to accept these three as compensation for their loss?  Their absence from this country would be welcomed. ... 

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The Greatest Hoax Ever

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The COVID hysteria is ramping up again as more and more of the election corruption leaks out into the public consciousness.  We are hearing from members of Joe Biden’s team that a national lockdown of four to six weeks is an absolute necessity if America is to overcome this virus.  They have got to distract the public from the overwhelming amount of evidence coming forward.

This hysteria is absolutely ludicrous.  A Cambridge University-trained virologist has recently spoken out in a public forum about the lunacy of all of this. ... 

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