Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Vice President

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More and more discussion is surfacing about who will be PDJT’s potential running mate.   As many have noted, there needs to be a MAGA successor to PDJT in 2028.  How Trump wound up with Pence is unclear but Pence has turned out to be just another politician in the UniParty.

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Sundance over at CTH has an interesting post on Jack Smith’s lawfare scheme.

As a review, lawfare is the use of legal systems and institutions to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter an individual’s usage of their legal rights.  The term may refer to the use of legal systems and principles against an enemy, such as by damaging or delegitimizing them, wasting their time and money. Alternatively, it may describe a tactic used by repressive regimes to label and discourage civil society or individuals from claiming their legal rights via national or international legal systems.  It also may be used to score public relations wins.

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Trump Affirmation

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PDJT has endured the most vile abuse from the left and from the media.  Despite this, PDJT continues to fight for America and the American people.  This is the greatest President America has ever had.

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Items Worthy of Babylon Bee

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Judge Merchan fines President Trump for delivering pizzas to firemen

“This is clearly a forbidden reference to PizzaGate. What Adam and I do on the weekends is nobody’s business,” said the jurist, referring to his employer Rep. Adam Schiff, a “small black olive”- guy.

Guilty conscience?

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Avenatti Says ‘It Was A Shakedown’

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Stormy Daniels’ former attorney, Michael Avenatti, has tweeted from prison accusing a key prosecution witness of lying in the New York hush money trial against former President Donald Trump.

Avenatti tweeted, “Keith Davidson is lying. After I confronted her w/ her own text msgs, Daniels admitted to me in early 2019 that she & Davidson had extorted Trump in Oct. 2016 – it was a shakedown. This was one of the many reasons I fired her as a client in Feb. 2019.”

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DOJ Pays Gymnasts $138 Million

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The egregious misconduct of the FBI continues to go unpunished.  In 2021 the DOJ Inspector General condemned FBI conduct in the rape and sexual assault of U.S. Gymnasts.  The IG report revealed that FBI agents facilitated Larry Nassar’s sex crimes by taking no action despite numerous witness statements to them.  And the FBI did not report the sexual assaults to local law enforcement either.

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Highlights & Lowlights

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Joe Biden on Tuesday arrived in Tampa, Florida to attack the 6-week abortion ban during remarks at Hillsborough Community College’s Dale Mabry campus.  Of course, this is the Democrats’ position.  Unborn children are fair game to be killed at any time.  Somehow the  Democrats believe it is a constitutional right for a mother to kill her children.

On Tuesday virtually no one cared that Joe Biden was in Tampa.  The comparison with Trump is astounding.

Crooked Joe Biden in Florida vs. President Trump in Florida ... 

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Democrats Want Trump Dead

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Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson introduced a resolution that would terminate Trump’s Secret Service protection.   “The DISGRACED Former Protectees Act would terminate Secret Service protection for individuals who otherwise qualify for it upon sentencing following conviction for a Federal or State felony.”

“It is regrettable that it has come to this, but this previously unthought-of scenario could become our reality. Therefore, it is necessary for us to be prepared and update the law so the American people can be assured that protective status does not translate into special treatment —and that those who are sentenced to prison will indeed serve the time required of them,” Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson said according to the Washington Times... 

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