Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Right On Point

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After the successful launch of the SpaceX rocket, PDJT gave a speech that addressed the riots going on around the country.  This was no Obama speech where he apologizes to the looters and thugs who are vandalizing our cities and violently attacking anyone who disagrees with them.

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Not Generally Speaking Unruly

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Once again MSNBC shows that it has absolutely no integrity.  “Burn Down Minneapolis” has emerged as a rallying cry over the death of George Floyd.  Yet the coverage by Ali Velshi was:

“I want to be clear on how I characterize this. This is mostly a protest. It is not generally speaking unruly. But fires have been started.”

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Percentages of transgenders in the US population vary from 0.3% to 0.6%.  One of the lesser misadventures of the Obama administration was the forcing of schools to accept all kinds of regulations concerning transgenders.  The privacy rights of 99+% of the school age population were trampled to “protect” the rights of transgenders.  Schools were forced to allow biological males to use single sex facilities devoted to girls such as bathrooms, locker rooms and showers.  This was often done secretly without the parents’ knowledge.

A lesser known aspect of these policies was the forcing of girls’ sports to accept males as competitors.  Since the advent of Title IX in 1972 — a federal law that expanded athletic and educational opportunities for women — millions of girls and women have benefited from their own teams and chances for growth.  As anyone with an ounce of common sense understands, once puberty hits, female athletes cannot compete with male athletes.  Allowing biological males into female sports destroys the opportunities for girls to excel.

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Barr Sends More Help to The Durham Investigation

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On Wednesday, AG Barr assigned John Bash, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas,  to assist USAO John Durham in the investigation of corrupt activity by former USIC,  DOJ and FBI officials.  USAO Bash is in addition to USAO Jeff Jensen who was assigned specifically to General Michael Flynn case.

Justice Dept. Spokesperson Kerri Kupec went onto Sean Hannity’s TV show and reported: “the attorney general determined that certain aspects of unmasking needed to be reviewed separately as a support to John Durham’s investigation.”

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Twitter Censors The President

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On Tuesday the Twitter overlords began censoring the President.   Twitter has directly interposed itself in the tweets and speech of the President of the United States.  Twitter is using two virulently anti-Trump organizations (CNN, WaPo) to censor and insert propaganda into the President’s tweets.  This is not responding to his tweets but rather direct interference with PDJT’s freedom of speech.

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Klobuchar Hypocrisy

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The MSM has been on a jihad trying to discredit the drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a treatment for the Wuhan virus.  The fact that doctors from the east coast to the west coast have been reporting high success rates is not material to these people.  They would rather see people die (and cheer their deaths) than admit the PDJT was right about HCQ.

The treatment protocol is the #1 choice for doctors around the world.  India, which has the world’s largest production facilities for the drug, has a death rate of 0.6%, one of the lowest in the world.

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Abhorrent And A Grave Injustice

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As anyone who has been following here knows, AG Barr’s DOJ is investigating an attempt by corrupt individuals to rig the results of the 2016 election and, when that failed, to overturn those results.  Barr never makes legal statements without having all the evidence beforehand. This is the way he teaches upcoming lawyers.

The following answer by AG Barr to a reporter’s question is instructive as to where that investigation may be.

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Why Does The Media (And The DNC) Hate HCQ?

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Dr. Stephen Smith, MD is a widely respected, infectious disease specialist in East Orange, NJ and has been practicing for 31 years. He graduated from Yale University in 1989 and specializes in infectious disease medicine.  Dr. Smith is a former research scientist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases under Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Last month Dr. Smith briefed PDJT on the promise of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a treatment for COVID-19, calling it a “game changer.”  This led to PDJT embracing the drug as a possible effective treatment.  The fact that HCQ was being used successfully in other countries had been noted by the media.  However, once PDJT endorsed its possible use, the media immediately closed ranks and tried to portray PDJT as anti-science and needlessly putting people’s lives at risk.

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Flynn Insanity

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Previously I had referred to the Sullivan courtroom as a circus.  Unfortunately that is not true.  There isn’t anything funny or humorous going on here.  And to call this a kangaroo court would be elevating this to a status that is far beyond what it really is.

This is an attempt to lynch Flynn.  There is a complete absence of the rule of law.  Sullivan is making it up as he goes along.  He is taking pieces of civil procedure and dropping them into a criminal case.  Sullivan has one simple thing to do here and that is grant the motion to dismiss that he has no authority to deny.  Sullivan appointing an “amicus” to act as prosecutor shows that he has gone completely off the rails.  Sullivan appears to be out to get Flynn by any means necessary.

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‘Splodey Heads

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On Monday shortly after 5 PM Eastern Time, the earth stood still.  There was a disruption in the space-time continuum when PDJT revealed to reporters he is taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in an effort to prevent getting the Wuhan virus.  PDJT indicated that he has been taking a pill every day for about a week and a half.  Reporters were stunned.

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