Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Odds & Ends

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During a recent appearance on the FOX Business Network, Biden Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that she regrets her previous claim that inflation was transitory.  Yellen said, “Most forecasters believe we’re on a path where inflation will come down over time.”  Just who are these forecasters?

Any economist worth his salt would tell you that inflation is going to head upward.  Yellen wanted to say that housing costs flattening will stop inflation.  Hogwash!  The cost of oil products (gasoline, diesel, etc.) are headed up again.  Unleaded regular gasoline has risen over ten percent during the last three months. ... 

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J6 Committee Oversight Report

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Washington is a master class in deception and the generation of smoke screens to distract the public from negative news on DC pols particularly but not exclusively Democrats.  The House Subcommittee on Oversight recently released a report on the J6 Select Committee which is damning in its conclusions.

If the Democrats had released something similar to this about PDJT and his administration, it would be featured news 24/7.  The narrative would be how PDJT was Hitler and the Republicans were an existential threat to democracy.  How much of this have you seen in Big Media?  And we all know why that is.

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A Slam Dunk! 

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SCOTUS ruled 9-0 that the Colorado Supreme Court did not have the authority to keep PDJT off Colorado’s primary ballot via Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

According to the Supreme Court, States may only disqualify officeholders or candidates from state office. This power doesn’t extend to federal elections or officers.  To quote, “Nothing in the Constitution delegates to the States any power to enforce Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates.”

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Breaking News

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The Supreme Court has announced that it will release a single opinion on Monday, March 4, 2024. Since the Colorado primary is on March 5, Super Tuesday, everyone is assuming the Court wants to get the decision out before Tuesday. Continue reading...