Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

The Sky Is Falling!

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The sky is falling!  The sky is falling!  These are the ridiculous proclamations of the MSM because the yield curve has turned negative.  That’s where long-term bond rates (returns on investment) are lower than short-term rates (returns).

The yield on the Treasury’s benchmark 10-year note fell to 1.59% Wednesday afternoon. Earlier in the day it had briefly traded below the return on the Treasury’s 2-year note, something investors haven’t seen since June 2007. That spooked the equity markets, with the S&P 500 Index down by more than 3%.

Financial pundits in the MSM led by CNN immediately called for a US recession. They pointed to the fact that China’s industrial production grew at the slowest rate in 17 years in July while Germany’s economic output actually shrank slightly in the second quarter.

Let’s look at the bigger picture from the 30,000 foot level.  One has to start with the idea that, in economics, there is something known as supply and demand.  This idea is economics 101 and has been intentionally overlooked by the MSM financial “experts.”

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Ebola Strikes MSNBC

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The disease is spreading over at MSNBC.  As reported previously, MSNBC is home to a slew of hosts and reporters infected with the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) ever seen.  TDS recently displayed itself in another on-air personality.

Nicolle Wallace is the host of MSNBC’s 4 PM program, “Deadline: White House.” She bills herself as a Republican but she abandoned the Republican Party long ago.  Wallace supports all the hot button issues of the Democrats.  Abortion on demand, gun control, open borders, amnesty for everyone, and just about every other item on the left’s laundry list of causes.

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ICE Raids & CNN

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As many people know at this point in time, ICE conducted a round-up of illegal aliens at Mississippi food processing plants last week.  In total, some 700 such individuals were apprehended.

Over more than a decade, hundreds of undocumented workers across the country told federal officials they worked at food processing plants in Mississippi.

Some immigrants were outfitted with ankle monitors while awaiting deportation hearings.  Authorities were able to track their comings and goings which, in many cases, included a number of Mississippi food processing plants.

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TDS Strikes Again

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Trump Derangement Syndrome.  TDS is running amuck at MSNBC.  This week they had on an analyst who made up the theory that PDJT is sending coded messages to neo-Nazis and white supremacists through his use of the US flag at half-staff.  Really!

Every time you think the MSM can’t get any worse, they go and surprise you with something you never thought imaginable.  MSNBC was the winner again.  On MSNBC’s weekday morning show, Morning Joe, a co-host said that PDJT wanted mass shootings to happen. Truly this is an example of someone who appears to be severely afflicted with the disease.

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Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)

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TDS is a mental illness characterized by a hatred of the President because he is a good person trying to do right by all Americans, regardless of color, race, creed, sex or national origin.   This causes a short circuit in the liberal mind.  Those suffering from this malady gradually lose all connection to reality.  In the world of the TDS patient, George Orwell’s 1984 book looms large.  The longer a patient suffers, the worse the patient becomes.  The disconnect becomes more and more pronounced as demonstrated by the image above. Up is down and down is up.  Good is evil and evil is good.  Doublespeak is the language of the day.

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Tapper Thumbs His Nose At America

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Saturday shopping at Walmart is normal activity for thousands of people across the country.  In El Paso, Texas, this activity turned into a horror show when a young man walked in with a rifle in his hands.  He began indiscriminately mowing down shoppers of all ages, sexes and colors. In the end 20 people lay dead and more than two dozen were in the hospital.

Following in the footsteps of the Christchurch shooter, minutes before he went on his killing spree, the young man (No, I am not going to name him and there will be no pictures of him here) published his “manifesto.”  He claimed to be protecting the country from invasion.  He borrowed ideas from both the far left (Bernie Sanders in particular, talking about big corporations) and the far right (“white extinction”).  Outside of his apparent antipathy for Hispanics, he will be difficult to fit into a category based on his “manifesto.”

In my opinion this young man is just playing with those people on both sides of the aisle who would use this event for political grandstanding.  He is tweaking their noses.  And political grandstanding started almost before all the blood had been wiped up.

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More Tariffs

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US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin returned from two days of talks in China on Thursday.  After briefing the President on the results of the talks, the President announced a decision to apply a 10% tariff on an additional $300 billion worth of Chinese products.  These tariffs will go into effect on September 1st.

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MAGAnomics continues to shower prosperity on all Americans.  The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released significant wage and salary data on July 30th.   These data demonstrate remarkable numbers.  There have been stunning upward revisions for 2017 and 2018.

Employee compensation rose 4.5% in 2017 and 5% in 2018.  These numbers demonstrate incredible wage growth during a period of low inflation (1.4%).   When the 5% wage growth in 2018 was combined with the tax reform package passed in late 2017, personal disposable income rose an astonishing 6.1% in 2018.  And the primary beneficiaries of this growth have been blue-collar workers.

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