Category Archives: PDJT

Posts connected with President Trump

Mid-Term Election Results, Part 2

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The mid-terms are over more or less.  What are the effects of these mid-term elections?

Down in Florida, because of the close races for Senator and Governor, the sketchy activities of a certain Supervisor of Elections have had a long-overdue sunbeam shined on them.  Of course, this is not the first time that Broward County has been in the spotlight.

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Mid-Term Election Results, Part 1

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The mid-term elections are mostly over.  There are still a few House races to be determined and a couple of Senate seats as well. Apparently, as I write this, the Democrats are trying to steal a Senate election in Florida and Arizona.  The corruption of the voting process in South Florida is incredible.  How all that will play out is unknown at this point.

So what was the result? Was the outcome “ a historic win” as PDJT said or did a “blue wave” occur as the Democrats claim?

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Unemployment Craters

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Great MAGAnomic payroll numbers were released the other day.  ADP/Moody’s private payroll analysis shows 227,000 jobs gained in October, and September’s revised actual payroll numbers increased from 218k to 230k.

It is interesting to note that during this economic expansion under PDJT payroll numbers are consistently underreported.  Almost every month numbers are revised upward from the previous month.  In some cases the numbers were more than 40% off.  This contrasts strongly with the Obama administration where numbers were often revised downward.

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Consumer Confidence Soars

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As reported by the Conference Board the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) jumped up 2.6 points to 137.9 in October. That is the highest level in 18 years.  The Conference Board noted:

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Should Blacks Like Trump?

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The Democrats have constantly tried to paint PDJT as a racist.  During the 2016 campaign they made a huge deal out of the fact that David Duke endorsed him. Of course, Trump did not seek Duke’s endorsement and blew it off when it came.   When elected, did he then ignore the black community as the Democrats have done for decades after they won elections?

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Can The Dems Be Civil?

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On Saturday, Robert Bowers killed eleven people and wounded at least 6 others in a Pittsburgh synagogue during morning services. Based on his social media, Bowers appears to someone who hates Jews and President Trump as well.  It will be interesting to watch how the MSM plays this one.  I feel certain that they will find a way to blame the President.

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Do The Democrats Support Political Violence?

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The subject of political violence has jumped to the forefront of the news cycle.  As most people know, a significant number of “devices” were mailed to Democrats and others this week.  On Friday one Cesar Sayoc of Florida was arrested and charged in connection with these crimes.

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Why Aren’t The Dems Condemning The Caravan?

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There is an invading army headed to our southern border.  A massive group, now estimated to be 10,000+ strong, appears to be headed toward the US/Mexico border from Honduras. While I am sure this group has men, women and children who dream of making a decent life in America, there are also many among them who are thinking of how they can ply their criminal trades in America. MS-13 regularly gets recruits from those who cross the border.  Also, the Honduran government has already arrested some 100+ ISIS fighters who were among the group headed north.   How many have escaped detection?

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Should Blacks Vote Republican?

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To answer this question one has to determine if PDJT is “Making America Great Again.”  As most people know that’s the slogan on PDJT’s red ball cap. I believe that PDJT is not only making America great for all people but he is also making us proud of our country again.

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