Category Archives: Terrorism

What Happened

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This represents the best explanation that I have heard about the mid-air crash that killed 67 people near Reagan National Airport this week.  This explanation comes from a retired Colonel in the Army who was a Blackhawk helicopter pilot and also served as a crew chief for Blackhawks.

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Combating Islamophobia

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We are six days away from the end of the most destructive administration in American history.  No administration has done more to damage the foundational values of this country.  On the way out the door, the administration announced “the first-ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Hate.”

Now, if there was a burgeoning crisis in Islamophobia, it would be good to see the administration working to the last minute to deal with such a crisis.  What are the facts in this area?

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The Long Knives Have Come Out For Tulsi Gabbard

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The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) is essentially blaming Tulsi Gabbard for the slow schedule for her confirmation as Director of National Intelligence (DNI).   The supposed reason?  Gabbard did not submit her question survey to the SSCI.   Of course, the SSCI had never sent Gabbard the questionnaire for her to complete.

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The tragedy in New Orleans that resulted in the death of 15 people and injuries to dozens more was initially reported to the world by the New Orleans police.  When making the initial report, we were told that this appeared to be a terrorism event and that the NOPD were looking at 4 to 5 additional individuals who may have been involved in the planning and execution of this heinous act.

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Abundant Life

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A few weeks back, a severely disturbed, fifteen-year-old girl shot up the Abundant Life Christian School killing two people in the process.  The shooter took her own life as well.  Some half a dozen people were injured during the shooting.  According to her alleged writings and social media posts, the girl hated the male of the species and wanted to launch an extermination campaign against all males.  What the source of such hatred was is unknown.  She also demonstrated a deep interest in the Columbine shootings.

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It is early in the investigation cycle for the dual acts of terrorism that took place on New Year’s Day.  However, they appear to be a targeted attack against the incoming presidency of Donald J Trump.

In Las Vegas, a Tesla Cyber Truck (Elon Musk) was used to attack the Trump Hotel.  It is hard to see any other message here other than violent opposition to transferring power to Trump as President.  CommunistsDemocrats do not peacefully transfer power.

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Victory At Sea

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Victory at Sea was a documentary television series about World War II, and about naval warfare in particular.  It was broadcast by NBC in the United States during 1952–53.  After its initial run, NBC syndicated it to local stations where it ran successfully into the mid-1960’s.  It won several Emmy’s as well as a Peabody award.

The series depicted the successes as well as the price of those successes primarily in the South Pacific.  Are we seeing the end of victory at sea in the Red Sea?

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