Category Archives: Transgender

Assange Freed

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Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, has been released from prison.  Assange, who had been imprisoned in the United Kingdom for the last five years after spending seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy, reached a plea deal with the Biden DOJ that will allow him to return to his native Australia.  All details of the plea deal have not been released at this point in time.

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June Celebrations

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June is upon us.  With that we are again going to be exposed to Pride Month where leftist ideologues will try to groom our children.  It is time to change that.  We have one day to celebrate mothers.  We have one day to celebrate fathers.  Why do we have a month for LGBT?  If, to show our diversity, the country has to have a celebration of LGBT, let it be for one day only.

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The Devil and his many minions hate satire.  Why?  Properly done, it makes the target into a laughingstock.  It is a much better approach than violence.

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) is a master of incisive quotes and satire.  Kennedy recently wrote an opinion column that was critical of trans athletes and USA Today-owned newspapers deleted the piece without even notifying Kennedy.

The problem?  According to the Gannett-owned USA Today, the op-ed contained “inflammatory” speech. According to Gannett editor Michael McCarter:

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Odds & Ends

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Some sanity is returning to some aspects of the justice system.  The Supreme Court has ruled that an Idaho ban on transgender procedures on minors can stand—while a court trial drags on. This law prevents the use of drugs and surgeries that alter the normal function of children’s bodies.

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