Let’s Go Brandon!

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The elitist politicians up north are getting their panties all twisted up.  Apparently the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” has driven fear deep into their heads.  One cannot have anyone disrespecting those who are in power above them.

PM Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government have taken to outlawing the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” from any correspondence or messaging either internally or for public consumption.  Just what are they afraid of?

Please note that the threat is so dire that any individual caught doing this will face immediate termination from employment.  Also note that any variation of this phrase is also forbidden.  I guess “Lesko Brandon Was Here” is also covered by this edict.  I wonder if “Orange Man Bad” would also be covered by this. How about “Let’s Go Justin?”  Just asking for a friend. ... 

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Maximum Vaccination

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I pass this along as a contribution from a reader.  One can read the whole article below.

Maximum Vaccination – by eugyppius – eugyppius (substack.com)

“So high rates of vaccination can’t reduce infections, and vaccinating the oldest and sickest hasn’t done very much for overall hospitalisations and deaths either. Yet our governments press on, not because the vaccines are working, but because they’re not. We’ve been through all of this before. Last year, large swathes of the developed world banned most of public life because everyone decided that this was the way to save lives. Wuhan convinced them that lockdowns work, in much the same way as the Pfizer/BioNTech trials convinced them that vaccines work. Except lockdowns didn’t work, and vaccines don’t really work either. Corona rages on, indifferent to the strange learned fantasies of our medical bureaucrats. ... 

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The End Of The Automobile

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The Avatar traveled to his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania on Wednesday to pitch his Build Back Better bill that is currently on life support.  Biden loves to brag that he’s old ‘blue collar Joe’ from Scranton.   However, the people in Scranton were not thrilled to see him.  His motorcade was booed as he arrived in Scranton.

Keep in mind that the Avatar and the Marxists who control the Democratic Party want to restrict mobility and remove freedoms wherever possible.  The end of the automobile would be an ideal way to achieve this objective.

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Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is OSHA

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Ostensibly, OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, is supposed to be a bulwark protecting the health and safety of workers in this country.  Apparently not anymore.  Just as with most other federal agencies, OSHA has been politicized to carry out the unconstitutional edicts of this corrupt administration.

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Shawn Kuhn, a senior majoring in exercise and sports science at the University of Georgia, passed away on Oct. 11 after battling COVID-19-based pneumonia for about six weeks.

Kuhn worked as a certified personal trainer at the UGA Ramsey Student Center and also worked at Chick-Fil-A on Atlanta Hwy, where he began as a server and quickly rose to a Team Leader. His aim was to become a certified physical therapist. Sharla Brook Kuhn, Shawn Kuhn’s older sister, said he was fully vaccinated.

Unlike many unvaccinated younger people who die, Shawn was not morbidly obese.  He was in great shape.  How many more young people will be sacrificed on the vaccine altar?  When will the government and Big Media stop suppressing info about early treatment?

Rest in peace, Shawn

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Mark Oshinskie has written an insightful article on why vaccines have become such an article of faith among Americans.  I will be excerpting freely from his post.  You can read the entire post below.


Even Stevie Wonder could see it: When you believe in things you don’t understand, you suffer; superstition ain’t the way. 

Covid has become a religion. American Vaxxers, more accurately labeled “injectors,” believe in something they don’t understand. Injectors don’t understand that the injections don’t resemble conventional, prior vaxxes. They can’t explain the mRNA mechanism by which the injections are said to work. They’re also unaware that the number of near-term post-injection deaths after 9 months of Covid injections exceeds the death tolls from all vaccinations combined over the past 30 years. They know nothing about the long term safety of the injections, nor of data revealing breakthrough deaths in the US and abroad. Nor do they know, after 19 months of media fearmongering, that the vast majority of people are at functionally zero risk from Covid. They watch too much TV. 

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Excrement Hits The Rotators

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The absolute evil that has dictated the responses of world governments to the COVID illness is becoming more and more obvious by the day.  The amount of excess deaths not due to COVID are getting increasingly difficult to hide.  And the data exposing this is coming from government data bases.

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Vaccine Efficacy

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This is an outstanding encapsulation of the “progress” of the mRNA vaccines that have been foisted on the world.  When one thinks about it, it is amazing how quickly the world went from great news to horrifying news with respect of the “vaccines.”

The best thing about this presentation is the use of the words of the media and Big Pharma to indict themselves.

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