The New Normal

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More and more people are waking up to the fact that fear of COVID-19 is being used to fundamentally transform America.  First amendment liberties were stripped away across the country to fight a virus that is no more deadly than the flu.  In fact, as more and more data comes out, it turns out that the only people who should be really concerned about this virus are the same people who are more susceptible to complications from the flu.

However, the left is not yet ready to give up.

(VIA CBS) “We’ve been told that this virus will disappear. But it will not,” Dr. William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and medical director of the National Foundation For Infectious Diseases, tells CBS News.

“We need to control it. We need to diminish its impact. But it’s going to be around hassling us for the foreseeable future. And by that I mean — years.”

[…] Schaffner says it would be best to give up the idea of going “back to normal,” and instead settle in for the “new normal” where COVID continues shaping our lives. (read more)

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Justice and Mercy

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After living what I felt was a ‘decent’ life, my time on earth came to the end. The first thing I remember is sitting on a bench in the waiting room of what I thought to be a court house.  The doors opened and I was instructed to come in and have a seat by the defense table.

As I looked around I saw the ‘prosecutor’.  He was a villainous looking gent who snarled as he stared at me. He definitely was the most evil person I have ever seen.  I sat down and looked to my left and there sat My Attorney, a kind and gentle looking man whose appearance seemed so familiar to me, I felt I knew Him. ... 

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Things that Make You Go…Hmm

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In the trial for Derek Chauvin over George Floyd’s drug overdose death, one of the issues is the so-called tolerance to higher and higher doses of the drugs in question.  Keep in mind that Floyd had more than three times what was considered a fatal dose in his system.  An addict who is using regularly needs more and more of the drug in question to experience the “sweet spot” high that he/she was able to achieve more easily when he/she first started using.  However, the body’s tolerance to the depression of the respiratory system does not move in lockstep with the “high” effect.  Thus the window of “safe” drug use becomes smaller and smaller before the respiratory system becomes overwhelmed and stops working.

Addicts who are irregular users (was George Floyd one of these?) can be much more likely to overdose because they will not know just what they need to achieve the desired drug effect.  Fentanyl is particularly problematic in this regard.

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Is War Coming?

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One of the hallmarks of the Trump presidency was his economic approach to foreign policy.  While he believed in a strong America militarily, PDJT also believed that using common economic interests as a lever helped way more people. PDJT was helping more people out of poverty than any single person in history.  The result of his approach was no new wars during his presidency.  The contrast with his predecessor who started seven wars in eight years was striking.  A lot fewer body bags were being filled with young Americans during the Trump presidency.

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The Rise of Naziism

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Several times over the past year I have mentioned the striking parallels between the activities of the Democratic Party since Obama was elected and the rise of the Nazis in Germany during the 1920’s and 1930’s.  These parallels are being noticed by more people.  Steve McCann has produced two excellent columns over at American Thinker on this subject.  I will be borrowing from his efforts here.

There is little doubt about the Nazi tactics being used by the left to fundamentally transform America from a constitutional republic into a socialist/communist state with one-party, totalitarian rule.  The Democrats continue to try to exploit fears of “systemic racism” and “white supremacy” to advance their agenda of controlling the public just as the Nazis did almost a century ago.  Witness the barbed wire enclosure of the Capitol in the face of a supposed imminent threat to the constitutional order of the country.  Witness the charges of “insurrection” against people who peacefully protested the stealing of the 2020 election.

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Orwellian Ideas

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Dr. Tom Woods continues to be a great source for COVID-related stories.  Every time the Left gets too far out over their skis, he is there to expose them and their allies in the media.  Below is another such post from Dr. Woods.

The Orwellian proposals keep piling up, and Ron DeSantis continues to be a hero.

When Joe Biden hinted weeks ago at the possibility of further lockdowns, DeSantis spoke to the press and said that that would absolutely not be happening in Florida.

When it sounded as if Biden might restrict travel to Florida, DeSantis pledged to resist.

Oh, and by the way: the anti-Florida ghouls are reduced to claiming that DeSantis must be suppressing Florida’s true numbers.

Ha, yeah, that’s plausible! So this theory is that the hospitals in Florida are actually bursting at the seams with COVID patients, but we can’t know that because the official numbers aren’t reliable?

I see. So every single hospital is in on the grand conspiracy, too? Not even one bit of anecdotal evidence of hospital overflow has managed to escape a single hospital?

It’s almost sad what the Doomers are reduced to.

In a way it’s encouraging, though: these people cannot explain Florida’s numbers without dreaming up wild conspiracies. That means they’re implicitly admitting that Florida’s numbers are great. Otherwise they wouldn’t need to be explained away.

Well, now DeSantis is resisting vaccine passports — the Orwellian idea proposed by whoever is running Joe Biden — as well.

“It’s completely unacceptable,” he said. “You want to go to a movie theater, should you have to show that? No. You want to go to a game, [or] a theme park? No. So we’re not supportive of that.”

He is pledging to take executive action, as early as today.

As Jeff Deist put it, “No private business or industry would require vaccine passports without state sanction and a strong assist from lapdog media to overcome the terrible PR optics. It’s a sick and crazy idea.”

Meanwhile, check out media coverage of Florida. The New York Times just ran an article about rising “cases” in one of the four states in this chart. Which one do you suppose it was?

(Dark blue is New York, light blue is New Jersey, green is Michigan, and pink is Florida.)

(Source: Financial Times analysis of data from the Johns Hopkins CSSE.)

Yes, they looked at those lines and decided to write an article about Florida’s “rising cases.”

Meanwhile, back on this planet, here’s a comparison they won’t make (but thanks to @yinonw on Twitter for making it):

Now which governor is facing a recall vote due to his absolutely inept handling of the COVID scam?  Hint:  It’s not the one where the state unemployment rate is 4.7%.  Of course, you will not hear this from the NYTimes or WaPo.  The prospect of a recall election does not fit with their narrative of how good a job the blue state governors have been doing. ... 

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COVID Fear Slipping Away

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With more and more states dropping mask mandates and other mitigation measures, it is clear that the American public is becoming less and less fearful about the COVID scam.  That is not to say that the virus is a hoax.  It is real.  However, it is no more dangerous than the flu.  And more and more of the public are freeing themselves from the Big Lie that is the COVID scam.

This creates a problem for the Democratic administration that wants the country to be dependent upon the government for their very existence.  Self-reliant people are less likely to kowtow to demands and edicts from the government especially those which abrogate the very liberties that the country was founded on.

The Democrats would like to send more money to their corporate allies through another humongous “stimulus” boondoggle package.  Previous packages have directed most of the money not to the American public but rather to corporate partners and blue state finances.

Also increasing control over the public through “vaccine” passports needs a dangerous virus.  As the public sees the underpinnings of the COVID scam being exposed, it becomes a lot harder to sell any of this agenda.

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The Mark of the Beast

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Last week I mentioned that Denmark had decided to require a “corona passport.”  This would be needed for people to participate in Danish society.  This “passport” would indicate that the holder had been vaccinated or had had the virus and had recovered.

As I mentioned then, this is just another attempt for government to control what the public is allowed to do.  Tighter top-down control of the population is a never-ending quest of totalitarian governments.  The Democrats in America have been salivating at the possibility of implementing the same thing here.  It would provide the Communists Democrats with another method of controlling the people.

Now it has begun here in America.  Rutgers University, that’s the State University of New Jersey, has announced that students attending on-site classes will be required to have been inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccine.

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