Democrats’ Gas Price Increases Vaporize Stimulus Checks

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Most of the country has already seen increases in the price of gasoline that are closing in on $1/gallon.  This is a direct result of White House Executive Orders that clearly violate federal law.  These orders have stopped the leasing of Federal land and sea areas for energy production.  Multiple state AG’s have filed lawsuits challenging the legality of these orders.

The increase in energy pricing, be it oil or natural gas, will more than wipe out the $1400 stimulus check that the government is sending out.  There is the direct cost of operating one’s vehicle.  Then there are the indirect costs. Specifically, these include things like transportation costs to bring goods to market.  Increased costs for deliveries to one’s home.  Of course, airline ticket costs will have to increase.  How about heating one’s home?  That’s another area that will see increases.  Then there is the cost of electricity.  Much of electric generation in the US is from the burning of natural gas.  The cost of that will go up.

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Minor Insanities

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The Biden-Harris administration (yes, it’s official now.  The Democrats are beginning the transition to a Harris Presidency) is shutting down the southwest end of the National Mall around the Tidal Basin during two-week peak cherry blossom time.

Why you might ask?  It is being done so that the public will not walk around in the sunshine and fresh air to view the annual spectacle.  Apparently cherry blossoms are a particularly nasty spreader of the COVID-19 virus (sarc).

The Jefferson, MLK and FDR memorials will also be closed to keep the public away from the nasty cherry blossoms.

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Kneel In Front Of Your Rulers

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The following says so much about the individuals who were working in the DOJ during the last few decades.  It also points out and exposes the totalitarian nature of the left.

Glenn Kirschner, a former federal prosecutor who now works at least occasionally for MSNBC, wants all businesses in this country to take a pledge that states in part that “The 2020 presidential election was free and fair, and produced accurate, reliable results.”

The “Democracy Pledge” is nothing of the sort.  It is an attempt to cement a lie into existence.  This pledge is clearly a violation of the 1st and 5th Amendments.  The Pledge also includes an affirmation supporting democracy as part of supporting this egregious falsehood.

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California Real Estate Insanity

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You are in the market for a new home.  You have scoured the area where you want to live.  You find what you think will be your dream home.  The buyer is anxious to sell but needs a cash sale in a short time frame.  You scramble around to come up the cash and are successful.  You close on the home.  The money is transferred to the previous owner and you get ready to move in.

This was the situation for Tracie and Myles Albert after buying a home in Riverside, California.  The sale closed on January 31, 2020.  They have yet to be able to move in.

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Industrial Scale Fraud

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While some of the furor over the election fraud that took place has receded, the fact remains that industrial level fraud took place during the 2020 election.  Jay Valentine over at American Thinker has penned several insightful pieces about the fraud that took place.  Last week Jay wrote about a meeting with some of the top criminal profilers in the world.  The profilers’ comments were chilling.  As were Jay Valentine’s insights.

Here is a brief summary.

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Amateurism On Steroids

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More and more people are noticing that Beijing Biden will not take spontaneous questions from the media.  During the Trump administration, the most transparent administration in my lifetime, PDJT routinely took questions from the media.  This was on an almost daily basis whenever PDJT departed from the White House to go somewhere or arrived at a location where there were members of the press corps waiting.  These impromptu press conferences often lasted 20, 30, 40 minutes.  While some members of the press may have tried to trip up PDJT, the fact is there was give and take in these sessions that has not been seen between a president and the press corps in a very long time. ... 

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By now most of us who actually have followed the science know just how ridiculous the various mandates to “keep us safe” have been.  Dr. Tom Woods has been at the forefront of actually revealing through statistical surveys just what the effects of some of these restrictions are and are not.  While I am sure that many of us are tired of the COVID nonsense, the frauds in our government agencies “protecting us” continue to hype nonsense.  So, it is important to continue to refute their insanity.

Recently Tom Woods attended an in-person conference at the Mises Institute and has shared his experiences in and around the conference.  I have reproduced his report below.

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Democrats Are Killing The Economy

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This administration is killing jobs and exporting American jobs to other countries.  The Democrats are anti-American and are evil, racist and corrupt.  They do not care about Americans.  They only care about power and money.

Ford announced this week that it plans to move a major project from its Avon Lake plant in northeast Ohio to Mexico. Ford thus reneged a promise made during the Trump administration to invest $900 million in the new project to build an electric vehicle there.  The original agreement called for a complete revitalization of the Avon Lake facility.

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Odds & Ends

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The exodus of companies from Minneapolis proper continues.  Target Corporation, the eighth largest retailer in America, announced in an email to employees on Thursday that it will be leaving the City Center, its primary downtown Minneapolis location.

Company officials cited improved remote work opportunities and less need for space as the drivers for the decision.  Was avoiding rioters somewhere on that list of drivers?

“The View” co-host Joy Behar declared the far-left group Antifa is a “fictitious idea” and “not a real thing” on Monday despite its well-documented history of violence. ... 

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George Floyd: Myth vs Facts

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With the trial of Officer Derek Chauvin underway in the Hennepin County courthouse (jury selection is underway), it might be a good time to revisit the circumstances of George Floyd’s death.

David Read has done a yeoman’s job of detailing the myths and the facts of Floyd’s death.

Read notes:

“Who was George Floyd? A criminal, for one thing.  Floyd had several drug arrests on his rap sheet. His most serious offense was a home-invasion robbery in which he held a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly, a crime for which he served five years in a Texas jail. Originally from Houston, Floyd moved to Minneapolis and, at the time of his death last May, was working as a bouncer at a nightclub.”

These are facts that no one disputes.  Floyd’s crimes are a matter of public record.  Also well known is the fact that he worked as a bouncer for a nightclub.  Also known by most of the public is that he died while lying on a Minneapolis street with Officer Chauvin keeping him prone by the use of his knee on Floyd’s neck.

The Myth:

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