MAGA On The Rise

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Nikki Haley is done.  The Charles Koch network, specifically Americans for Prosperity (AFP), has  withdrawn financial support for Nikki Haley.  Of course, Haley will continue to spout Democratic talking points at least until Super Tuesday.  She will probably get a nice golden parachute of some sort for having tried to break up the freedom movement known as MAGA.  Haley has failed to put the American people back on the plantation.

Previously, a network of multinational/Wall Street entities held all power in the Republican apparatus. This was a small group of big money influence makers and political interests. ... 

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Odds & Ends

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I did not realize that dementia was contagious.  However, dementia appears to be spreading among the Democrats.  California’s governor Gavin Newsom went on NBC’s Meet The Press show on Sunday.  Among the topics discussed was Biden’s ability to run for a second term.  Newsome described Biden’s three years in office as a “masterclass.”

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South Carolina

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As expected, PDJT crushed former governor Nikki Haley in the South Carolina primary.  When you lose your home state, it is time to pack it in and go home.  This came about despite all of Nikki Haley’s desperate campaign attempts.  Haley spent more than $16 million to get blown out and walk away with zero delegates.  Trump’s margin of victory was almost 20 points.  Trump’s margin would have been much larger except for the Democrats who crossed over to vote for Haley in the primary.

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Haley Implosion

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Nikki Haley continues to self-implode.  On Thursday Haley went on the Fox News Channel to try to curry favor with the audience.  Haley was there to discuss the state of her campaign and how her campaign was approaching the hot button issues that most of the country is concerned about.

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No Armed Security For Churches

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Democrats keep trying to chip away at gun rights. They know they can’t overturn the Second Amendment at this point in time.  Their approach is to try to make it more difficult for people to own and use guns for protection.

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Spot On

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Nikki Haley has been bombarding the State of South Carolina during the last few weeks.  Haley has been spending a ton of money in South Carolina.  Expensive glossy mailers probably to just about every address in the state.  The airwaves have been full of attack ads against PDJT.  Haley seems to have adopted the Hillary Clinton approach to campaigning.  Blast out as many lies as possible and hope that one or two might change some people’s minds.

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Censorship is a dirty word that those in power want the public to ignore.  America was founded on the idea of a free and raucous exchange of ideas however they may emerge so long as violence is not the end product.

Our national security state would espouse that such a free exchange of ideas is a national security threat.  According to those in power, one cannot allow “extremist ideas” to propagate across the country and around the world.  Such “extremist ideas” could undermine those in power and become a “threat to democracy.”  Of course, such “extremist ideas” are any ideas that do not align with the prevailing ideology of those in power.

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