The Pelosi Virus

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The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has now tried to rename the Wuhan virus again.  Pelosi, a Democratic politician, referred to the virus by its origins in the beginning of the year.  When it became fashionable to call such language xenophobic (because PDJT referred to it as the Wuhan or Chinese virus), Pelosi switched to calling it the coronavirus or COVID-19.  Now it seems that Pelosi has decided on a new approach.  She is calling it the Trump virus.

UNHINGED: Nancy Pelosi absolves China to blame Trump for the coronavirus ... 

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Kamala Harris…A Weather Vane

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The media would have you believe that Harris is a safe, moderate choice.  They want to believe that Harris is pragmatic, capable of building coalitions to solve problems.  Nothing could be further from the truth but you will not hear that from the MSM.

VP picks generally do not matter much.  They are often used to help shore up some support in one part of the electorate.  Rarely are they expected to have to actually step in and run the country.  However, many voters believe that Biden will not last a full term without needing to be replaced.  Biden’s cognitive decline seems to be getting worse day by day.  So, much more than ever in the past, voters look at Harris as a possible future president.

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The Democrats are at it again.  Creating a fake news story in the hopes that some ignorant people will actually believe the lies that they and their allies in the media are spreading.

The following is a factual source of information about the USPS.  The only attempt to defraud the voters in this country is being done by Democrats who will stop at nothing to win the election.  Ballot harvesting that is outlawed in most states because of the potential for fraud, is widespread in some states with Democrats running the show.  Unilaterally mailing out ballots to all registered voters is an invitation to fraud.  Regardless of how many ballots are mailed, the Post Office is up to the task of delivering on time.

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The Pot Is Boiling

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It seems that the pot may be close to boiling over in California.  Gavin Newsom seems determined to remain dictator of California for as long as he can.  The people are getting very antsy.

Last week residents and business owners in Shasta County held a rally outside of the Board of Supervisors chamber and demanded Shasta County re-open and lift its ridiculous mask mandate.  County officials wanted nothing to do with these people who clearly were very angry with the totalitarian nonsense that is going on there.  County officials pointed the finger at state government. ... 

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The following is a presentation of facts that begins to expose the attempt by multiple layers of government, both legislative and executive, to oust a sitting President of the United States.  The information contained herein has been shared with the DOJ and multiple media outlets.

This is just the beginning of the Big Ugly.  There is much more information to come.

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Election Polling

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This will not be what you thought it would be when you saw the title.  It’s not that election polling especially by organizations like CNN, MSNBC, etc., wouldn’t be a great topic to dissect.  Hours could be spent on how the fake news media run their polls to get the results that they want.

This is about a different kind of poll.  It may very well indicate how voters might feel about what has been happening in the country.

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You’re Selfish!

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We just passed 150 of “15 days to flatten the curve.”

The following is an article by Dr. Tom Woods.  In it he explores some of the nuances of the Democrats trying to shame people, especially young people, into giving up all the good things in life maybe forever.

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Trump In Yuma

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PDJT traveled to Yuma, Arizona and spoke to the rally in 112-degree heat.  The heat did not slow PDJT one bit despite the fact that he was in a full suit.  Meanwhile Joe Biden continues to hide out in his basement.

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A Focused Approach

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Yesterday I reported on the fact that Dr. Scott Atlas had been added to the Covid Task Force.  It is certainly hoped that he can bring a more focused approach to the battle against the coronavirus.  America needs a sensible policy approach to the virus.

Previously approaches led by Dr. Anthony Fauci have created panic and depression among many Americans.  Dr. Fauci ignored the effects that his policies would have on people.  Dr. Fauci seems oblivious to the skyrocketing suicide rates and drug abuse rates that his policies have spawned.  He has not addressed the long-term effects of shutting schools down and to delaying important medical screening procedures.  Fauci’s pooh-poohing of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a potential treatment protocol may have cost the country tens of thousands of lives.

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