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California is known for its earthquakes.  The possibility of the proverbial “Big One” is talked about frequently.  And at some time in the future, the likelihood exists that the Big One will hit somewhere in California.

An earthquake happened on Tuesday.  However, it was not the earth moving.  It was a political earthquake.  In a special election in House district CA25, a Republican appears to have defeated a Democrat.  This is a district that went by 9 points to the Democrat in 2018 and was won by Hillary Clinton in 2016.  At this point the Republican is winning by 12 points (roughly 17,000 votes).  Of course, we have to wait until the voter fraud activities (aka ballot harvesting) by the Democrats are over.  Apparently they have until Friday to get ballots in to be counted.  That is just crazy.

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False Choices

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Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) said it perfectly yesterday: “We are too often presented with a false dichotomy: either saving our economy or saving lives.”

Scott’s statement occurred during the Senate hearing with Dr. Fauci, head of the NIH.  The Senator was exactly right.  Those who believe that no preventative measures should have been taken are as ignorant as those who believe that re-opening the economy poses a mortal risk to everyone.

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Open Memo To Obama

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Last week former President Obama phoned his Alumni Association.  Obama droned on about the Flynn case, about the rule of law being lost, about being on a slippery slope, etc.

On Tuesday, Sidney Powell, Flynn’s defense attorney, filed an open memo on Twitter responding  to Obama.  It was 404’ed by Twitter but not before copies were made.

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Trump Was Right

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The Big Lie continues.  Last week, in his “leaked” phone call, former President Obama tried to get a narrative rolling that PDJT’s approach to the situation in NY regarding the virus had been “an absolute chaotic disaster.”  As we have been seeing from Democrats and their co-conspirators in the media, the use of a flat-out lie is becoming more and more commonplace.

Let’s take a look at just a few of the many decisions and insights that PDJT has made that were both intelligent and smart.

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Breaking News

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Last week acting DNI Ric Grenell forced the release by Adam Schiff of the transcripts that Schiff had been refusing to release.  These were transcripts of testimonies given by dozens of witnesses.  These showed that many Democratic TV personalities have lied over and over when on TV broadcasts about elements of the Russian Collusion hoax.

What garnered far less attention at the time was the fact that DNI Grenell delivered a second set of documents to AG Barr on the same day.  At the time no one seemed to know just what was in those documents.

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Are The Media Co-Conspirators?

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The Big Lie continues.  Again the media is caught presenting as “news” something that is the opposite of what actually took place.  Last Thursday AG Bill Barr was interviewed by CBS News’ Catherine Herridge regarding the dropping of the case against LTG Michael Flynn.

On Sunday NBC News’ Chuck Todd aired a piece of that interview on the ‘Meet The Press’ broadcast.  In order to make his political points, Todd left out key comments from the interview, remarks that destroy the very argument Todd tried to make against Barr.

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Lunacy Abounds

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The Democrats are clearly in panic mode right now.  On Sunday morning, former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks joined “the Big Lie” movement when she stated unequivocally that the move by the DOJ to drop the Flynn case was “a clear cover-up.”  This occurred on MSNBC’s AM Joy program.  According to Wine-Banks, because Flynn was facing jail time, Flynn might have had more to offer about Russian involvement in the Trump Administration.  Therefore, Barr had to intervene in order to prevent Flynn from doing so.

What alternate reality is this woman living in?  None of the other three panelists nor the moderator disagreed.  Many were nodding their heads.  This is what stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like.

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Is Obama Nervous?

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The following is a phone call from former President Obama.  Who is on the other end is unclear.  However, without a doubt, the listeners on this call are members of the Obama Alumni Association.  The call was “leaked” to Michael Isikoff.  Be forewarned.  This is not the smooth and silken presentation that we are accustomed to hearing from Obama.

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Not A One-Off

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There are some people who are not completely brainwashed about what happened to Michael Flynn.  However, they want to believe that the Flynn case was unique.  They reluctantly admit that there seems to have been some corrupt activity going on in connection with this case.  However, they attribute this to personal animosity toward Flynn.  Such animosity overcame professional judgment.  They may even partially blame Flynn because he was opposed to President Obama’s foreign policies.  They admit it should never have happened but this was an unusual situation and does not reflect the normal course of business for these people.

Now I understand the desire to believe that this kind of corruption does not exist in our government as a normal course of business.  However, this was no one-time affair.  The following interview with Kathleen “K. T.” McFarland on Thursday should disabuse these people of this belief.

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