When Will Oberlin College Own Up To Its Mistakes?

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Oberlin College continues to play the victim card.  After the massive $11 million compensatory and $33 million punitive damage verdicts (later reduced to $25 million under Ohio tort reform caps) against it for defaming Gibson’s Bakery and its owners, Oberlin College should have looked at its own conduct in nearly destroying a 135-year-old family business. One would think a unanimous verdict and a large punitive damage award would cause some reflection on the college’s part in the hopes of rectifying clearly immoral and illegal conduct.

One would be wrong, of course.  From the moment the initial verdict was handed down by the jury, Oberlin College has attempted to portray itself as the victim.  The college says that it was held liable for the speech of its students.

William Jacobson, who writes for Legal Insurrection, represented the only national media outlet to be present throughout the trial.  The day the verdict was handed down he predicted that the college would not take responsibility and he was right.

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“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” 

I was watching history being made overnight on Saturday into Sunday. So did millions of other people around the world. We all stayed up to watch the first sitting U.S. president cross into North Korea (3:45 AM ET).  PDJT and North Korea’s Chairman Kim Jong-un took another step towards peace.  And South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in was grinning from ear-to-ear.

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Out In The Left

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Your smile or laugh for the day…….Have a great day!  A hat tip to JW for today’s post.

When one tries to “reason” with a lefty Democrat, remember you are dealing with a person who believes that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man and that such a delusion should be encouraged, not discouraged. Discouragement of the delusion is considered immoral and bigoted.

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How Many Were Spied On by Obama?

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The General Michael Flynn case grinds on.  Flynn has hired a new attorney (Mrs. Sidney Powell) and they were in court this week again.  The need for a classified security clearance to review documents was discussed.  The DOJ responded by saying no classified information was provided to the prior Flynn defense team.  Therefore, Ms. Powell didn’t need to be concerned on that issue.

This means that Flynn was never provided with a copy of the phone call transcript (December 29, 2016) between him and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.  The content of that phone call lies at the heart of the FBI interview that took place on January 24th, 2017.  It became the basis for the charges that he lied to the FBI.

Ignoring for a moment the merits of the Flynn case, one has to ask about the ineptitude (or corruption?) of his previous attorneys for not asking for production of this evidence. There are also all the machinations that occurred in the production of the FD-302 notes from the Flynn interview.  But, most importantly, there is the question of how and when Flynn was unmasked.

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Are Indictments Coming?

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The architects of the failed counter-intelligence operation against PDJT are getting nervous.  With AG Barr and US Attorney Durham digging deeper and deeper into the origins of the spying on the Trump campaign and the Presidency, James Clapper, former DNI, has gone into panic mode. Keep in mind that Clapper perjured himself before Congress in 2013 that the NSA wasn’t spying on Americans.  Then Edward Snowden came on the scene and blew that story out of the water.  We know why he wasn’t indicted for perjury then.  He has no such protection today.

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Panda Exposed

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It has been an interesting week in US-China relations.  As recently as a few of weeks ago, China had been threatening to blacklist foreign companies that “sided” with the US in the ongoing trade war.

The move to establish the blacklist came after the United States hit Huawei with an export ban, effectively barring US companies from doing business with the smartphone and telecom equipment maker.

The ban was designed to keep the nation’s networks secure from foreign adversaries.  The concern is that the company’s products could offer the Chinese government a way to spy on sensitive US communications.  Huawei denied the accusations.

In the middle of May, Xi Jinping, China’s leader, had warned his people of a new “Long March.”  “We are here at the starting point of the Long March to remember the time when the Red Army began its journey,” Xi told cheering crowds in Jiangxi province. “We are now embarking on a new Long March, and we must start all over again.”  Jiangxi province is the site of the Red Army’s retreat in 1934-36.  Xi appeared to be warning his people that hardships lay ahead.

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