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The explosive revelations of the last 48 hours about the Ford storyline are exposing the Democrats for the lowlifes they truly are.  It certainly seems probable that government employees (former and current, DOJ, FBI and/or Senatorial staffs) were directly involved in the construction of Prof. Ford’s story and the scrubbing of her digital fingerprints.

As a result, they are now scrambling to shift the story to the Judge’s drinking as a teenager.  Apparently drinking beer as an underage teenager is now a disqualifying event if you want to be a Supreme Court justice.

This just shows how desperate the Democrats are.  The Democrats’ hatred for anyone who does not agree with them is on full display for all to see.

How did we get here?  This is the result of Obama’s promise to “fundamentally transform” America.  This he did.  Obama polarized America by race, gender, ethnic background, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and politics.  He deliberately pitted different groups against each other.  The Obama legacy is the chaos that we see today.

As Frank Hawkins over at American Thinker said:

This malignancy is consuming the elites of the left.  Senator Schumer said that the Democrats would oppose Kavanaugh by any and all means.  In this he spoke the truth.  There appears to be no low that the Democrats and a complicit MSM won’t stoop to to stop the confirmation.

This recently extended to the judge’s family.  Veteran cartoonist Chris Britt’s Sept. 28 cartoon used 10-year-old Liza Kavanaugh’s belief in God to bash her father.  It is an huge understatement to say that this cartoon was horrific, unconscionable and the epitome of evil.  When called on it, Britt acted as if it was Kavanaugh’s fault.  They are shameless.

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich blasted the Democrats for behaving:

And the worst may be yet to come.  Elements of the left, some funded by George Soros, are calling for mass violence if Kavanaugh is confirmed.  This comes on top of recent calls by others on the left to “rise up and slaughter fascistic Border Patrol dogs and their bosses.”

This is simply total derangement by people on the left.  We are liable to see rioting in different areas across the country just as we did after PDJT was elected.  And Democratic pols keep encouraging it.

People, it is time to lock and load.  Be careful.  Be aware of your surroundings this weekend.  Pray to God that it doesn’t happen.  But be prepared if it does.