De-legitimizing The Supreme Court

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Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Supreme Court.  One of the most divisive confirmation hearings ever is over.  Does that mean that rancor will disappear?  Absolutely not.

Before the vote was taken, the left began the next phase of their plan. Now the effort is to de-legitimize the Supreme Court.  After decades of using the Court to create laws that couldn’t be passed through Congress, the Democrats will try to make the Court out to be partisan and not worthy of respect.

Last week, a commentator on one of the MSM networks had tweeted that, if Kavanaugh were confirmed, then there would be two sexual predators on the Supreme Court.

Over at the NYTimes Michael Tomasky opined that the Supreme Court had a big legitimacy crisis.  First, he re-enforced the ridiculous tweet mentioned above by saying, “We are about to have two Supreme Court justices who made it to the bench under broad suspicion that they did so having lied about their sexual histories and their treatment of women.”

The fact that Anita Hill’s timeline was proven to be corrupt and that not one iota of evidence supported any accusation against Judge Kavanaugh was not mentioned.  Also not mentioned was the fact that the accusation appears to have been a well-scripted plan overseen by a small group of leftists.

The Democrats and their allies in the corrupt MSM will stoop to anything to try to overturn the results of the 2016 election.  The politics of personal destruction through character assassination and innuendo reign supreme in the Democratic playbook.

Tomasky adds another flavor to the mix.  He puts forward the argument that the Court is supposed to represent the will of the majority of the American people.  He writes:

Two things jump out of this statement.  First, apparently the writer is not familiar with the role of the judiciary under our Constitution.  The writer seems to think that justices are supposed to make decisions based on the will of the majority.  Apparently he is not familiar with the concept of the tyranny of the majority.  The idea that decisions should be based on the language of the laws and the framework of our Constitution seems alien to him.

Second, he seems not to know that radically re-writing laws through the courts has been the playbook of Democratic administrations.  Unpopular laws that could not be passed through Congress were imposed by the Court when the majority of justices were considered activist.  These activities included affirming arbitrary regulations that had never been considered by Congress.

Is there a chance that some of this rancor will diminish?  Again, it appears not.  Larry Nadler (D) over in the House said that if the Democrats re-take the House, one of his first actions will be to impeach Justice Kavanaugh. This shows why it is so important that people vote on November 6th.  A clear message needs to be sent that character assassination is not a tool to be in any politician’s playbook.