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On TV recently Hillary Clinton claimed that the only way to return civility to American politics is to put Democrats back in power. Apparently Mrs. Clinton has spent considerable time out in the woods communing with the spirits.  She ignored the fact that the Democrats had just tried to destroy Judge Kavanaugh’s reputation – based on what? A couple of unsubstantiated sexual misconduct accusations from nearly four decades ago, a bunch of nonsense from a high school yearbook, and some whiny complaints about the man’s tone in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee!

HRC apparently lives in a different universe.  In her mind the way her Senate colleagues conducted themselves represents civility and decorum.  Or as Senator Blumenthal said at his recent debate, his actions, which were a disgrace to the people of Rhode Island, were an attempt to determine the “credibility” of the nominee.

Hillary said,  “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for.” 

Let’s take a look at the record.  Only by the grace of God and the bravery of the Capitol Police was a mass assassination of the House Republican Caucus avoided.  This assassination attempt occurred due to the exhortations of people like Elizabeth Warren who kept falsely claiming that the Republicans were going to kill 20,000 people per year if they succeeded in repealing Obamacare.

As Thomas Lifson at American Thinker notes:

The lists of incidents of violence and threats of violence against Hillary’s opponents is already alarmingly long.  With Maxine Waters and Cory Booker calling on their followers to harass people they disagree with, and with the mental hospitals closed and firearms available, this kind of incitement can produce horrific consequences.

Senator Rand Paul was hospitalized with several broken ribs at the hand of a neighbor of progressive bent, and his wife Kelley says she now sleeps with a loaded gun at her bedside.  Antifa thugs roam the urban landscape, the “youth wing of the Democratic Party” as Tucker Carlson correctly labels them, attacking as they wish with ineffective to no pushback in liberal enclaves like Berkeley and Portland, Oregon.

It seems that destroying is front and center in the Democratic playbook.  Since the Democrats stand for violence against their political opponents, as well as defamation and slander against those aligned with or nominated by the Republicans, it is hard for me to understand why one would want to be civil in the face of such depravity.  What Senator Lindsey Graham did during the hearings was a wake-up call to all good Americans.

Unless the Democrats suddenly regain their sanity, America is probably headed toward more political violence at the hands of the Democrats.  This seems to be the threat that HRC is making.   In the past violence like this has led to fascism and war.

To refer to the Democrats as being civil is as ridiculous as dressing up a pig to be prom queen.  And that’s probably an insult to the pig.  However, this is the new normal for them.  Tell a Big Lie and parade it around as the Truth.  Incite and condone violence and blame the other side when it happens.  Pretend that somehow we have entered a 1984 universe where evil is good and good is evil.

The American people need to tell the Democrats that enough is enough.  They can do this on November 6th.