America The Beautiful

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With all that is going on in our country we seem to forget how great our country is. God has blessed our country like no other in history, yet so much is taken for granted. Some even preach ambivalence or hate while others seek to destroy our freedom. Never give up, never give them an open door, never call them friend for they are not that. They are the wolves who seek to destroy our freedom, our faith, and our way of life. They seek to bring tyranny upon us. Give these evil doers no quarter, fight for your freedom and grow in faith. Stand fast.

Ronald Reagan once called America the shining city on the hill. He was right. Never forget who sees the light of that great city. The world really is watching. While some seek to destroy it, many others are inspired, guided and drawn to it. They see the light and yearn for the freedom we have. Never let anyone take our freedom from us. Our God, our freedom, our country, are beacons of hope to a world mired in evil, despair, hunger, poverty and tyranny. Always be willing to spread the light to others. If we are unwilling, who will be?

God bless and remember to vote.