Dems Propose Gun Confiscation

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Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) raised some eyebrows last week when he once again resurrected the idea of banning and confiscating “assault rifles.”  See here,hereand here.  The fact that Swalwell is a card-carrying member of the anti-liberty movement should come as no surprise to anyone.  He has proposed gun confiscation measures before.

He does not believe in the principle of property rights and very limited government.  He is part of a group of politicians who believe that American politics is really the government versus the people.

Perhaps he has become more serious since the Democrats will be in control of the House come January.  His proposal created a firestorm on Twitter among those who value liberty over a totalitarian government.

While I am inclined to believe that Rep. Swalwell was using hyperbole in his response, it is interesting to note how quickly he went into “overlord” mode.  His “You will kowtow to the government” attitude is very telling.  This should remind us that, with guys like Swalwell, by defaulting to confiscation, their ultimate goal is using government force to strip us of liberty.

It is also interesting to note that the Dems are no longer using the pretense of protecting children as their rationale for confiscating guns.  They probably believe that a compliant media will allow them to run roughshod over the 2ndamendment.

Back in 2011 former President Obama appeared numerous times with children trying to drum up support in Congress for the passage of gun control legislation.  Fortunately he was not successful.

He followed the same tactics that Hitler used when he confiscated guns from the German people.  Hitler, of course, was successful in his attempt. That result was catastrophic.

Doing away with American citizens having guns, would allow the Democrats to transition to becoming the Nazi Party of the 21stcentury more easily.  Just as the Nazis had their violent wing to intimidate people during their rise to power, the Democrats have theirs.

Back during the Obama’s 1st term, it was the Occupy Wall Street movement.  Today the militant foot soldiers who try to intimidate people are Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  The Democrats want American people to accept that political violence is normal.  Certainly in places like Portland, Oregon, it is fast becoming so as these organizations are allowed to take over sections of that city with impunity.

Where will all this end? It is difficult to see the future. However, it certainly seems that more violence not less is on the horizon.  Will the militant wings of the Democratic Party rise up and impose total Marxism on the Party?  If they do, all ideas of private property will be squelched and socialism championed.  In this scenario chaos is the likely result.