PDJT spoke eloquently about the security problems on our southern border during his State of the Union address. One of the problems that he mentioned that results from illegal aliens flooding into the country is the effect on jobs and wages.
The leftist “fact checkers” who jump on every fact PDJT presents as being a lie (where were they when Obamacare was being debated?), had almost nothing to say about this part of PDJT’s speech. That’s because study after study has shown illegal immigration reduces the number of available jobs and reduces wages for both Americans and legal immigrants.
This effect is not limited to areas where many illegal immigrants settle. The effects are national in scope as workers flow from one area to another in pursuit of jobs. A recent report by the National Academy of Sciences concluded:
So the effect is spread across the country even though illegal aliens may settle in specific areas. What is the long-term effect on wages?
In 2010 the US Commission on Civil Rights commissioned a review. They heard from a variety of experts who had published on this subject. While it is often difficult to isolate individual effects, the experts concluded that there were effects from illegal immigration. These effects may range from small decreases in wage rates for low skill workers, particularly minority workers, to decreases as high as 22%. These effects tended to be more pronounced in industries that tended to use higher percentages of low-skilled workers. This correlates with the fact that large numbers of illegal immigrants are low-skilled workers.
In 2008 the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlantic concurred that illegal immigration was having a profound effect on the wages of lower-skilled workers.
Additionally significant numbers of native workers are displaced by illegal immigrants resulting in higher welfare and ancillary costs. A 1996 study (The Net Costs of Immigration, Donald Huddle, Rice University, October 1996) noted that, at that time, some 1.9 million workers had been displaced by illegal immigrants. The number is sure to be higher now.
Huddle stated:
A study by Steven Camarotain 1998 noted:
There are many more such studies. The broad conclusion is that an unimpeded flow of illegal aliens into the country is bad for both Americans and legal immigrants. The effects are particularly deleterious on minority adult males.
With all of this known along with all of the other problems such as increased crime, illegal drug activity, etc., why do the Democrats continue to cling to the fake news that “open borders” are good for America?
Of course, it’s all about politics. It’s all about winning elections. The Democrats cannot be seen as giving in on this issue almost no matter how bad the optics are for them. They need to keep their base of support in line. They do not want PDJT running for re-election having kept his campaign promises (how novel that a politician would actually keep his campaign promises).
So to do that they will sacrifice a better standard of living and more money for Americans in the form of higher wages. This way they can keep some of their support in line by “keeping them on the plantation.” Higher wages would mean fewer people needing help from the government. The Democrats do not want that to happen. They can also rail against the income inequality that they are fostering through their actions. They need these people voting for them if they are to win elections.
They also need a fresh supply of people who have not grown up with individual liberty, people who have had governments that control supplying their needs. Allowing illegals into the country helps the Democrats to continue the “transformation of the country” from one where individual liberty is valued to one where people are told what to think and when to think it.
This is the modern Democratic Party.