Democrats Try To Force Recusal of All Trump Appointees

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The Mueller investigation into Russian collusion has ended.  The investigation that was started as an indirect result of the corrupt FISA warrant has found no criminal lapses connected to the campaign.  The investigation did financially bankrupt some good people who found themselves in court supposedly for lying.  No such accusations about lying have been proven in court to date. The investigation did a very good job of shielding corruption in the Obama administration from public disclosure.

Since the Special Counsel’s investigation is over, the Democrats needed to find some way to continue protecting the corrupt elements of the previous administration.  They slipped a poison pill into the 700-page HR 1 “For The People Act.”  BTW this looks like another Pelosi bill where “we need to pass it to find out what is in it.”

Recusal of Presidential Appointees– This provision would require all presidential appointees to recuse themselves from any matter involving the president, the president’s spouse, or an entity in which the president or their spouse has a substantial interest.

In effect, the Democrats are trying to do to the current DOJ leadership what they did to Jeff Sessions.  That is, they want to get anyone connected in any way with the President out of having any say in how corruption investigations into Spygate, illegal use of NSA data, etc., would be handled.  In this way they hopefully could prevent sunlight from being shown on their many nefarious activities.

Fortunately this bill has little chance of seeing the light of day in the Senate.  However, it is another reminder of the fact that the left will do anything to seize or remain in power.  Again HR 1 is not “For The People” but, rather “For The Democratic Party.”

A storm is coming.