What Flag Is OK?

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Nike launched a new line of sneakers just in time for the 4thof July which featured a Betsy Ross flag on the heels. The line was pulled after complaints from noted social justice warrior Colin Kaepernick. Nike seems intent on destroying their customer base when they bow down and lick the boots of Kaepernick.  Now, Professor Michael Eric Dyson is piling on as well.

Dyson is a Georgetown professor who opines on matters from a far left point of view from time to time.  Dyson equated the Betsy Ross flag to the Nazi swastika and to a KKK cross burning on a lawn. As reported at the Washington Free Beacon:

Of course, this ignores the fact that Betsy Ross was anti-slavery.  This is just another attempt by the left to sow chaos.  They need to erase history so that they can advance their socialist/communist agenda. Everybody connected to the founding of the country was evil.  This is like what the Chinese did with Tiananmen Square.  The Chinese have erased that event from their history books.

Dyson is projecting his own hatred towards anyone who supports the country, freedom, liberty and justice.  As Hillary Clinton said, most of those people belong in the “basket of deplorables.”

Which flag will he disparage next?  How about the one that has 48 stars on it?  There was a lot of discrimination going on in this country while that flag was flying.  Is it “a symbol that matters?”

What flag would he suggest that everyone can rally behind? These people just want to complain and tear everything down.  To them this country is the most horrible place on the planet.  The only problem with that is that they are not leaving for some place they feel is better.

If you are having trouble keeping track of what is and is not politically correct, you are not alone.  This is the way the left likes it.  They want you back on your heels and perpetually apologizing for some perceived wrong from the past.  Apparently the Betsy Ross flag was okay in 2013.

What changed between then and now?  The President.  Someone who believes in the founding fathers and the country they gave us.  Is this the real source of the Professor’s angst?

Donald Trump, Jr., had the best last word.

The video is here.