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There has been an interesting development on the other side of “the pond” which is the English way of referring to the Atlantic Ocean.  For more than two years the British government under Theresa May had been trying to come up with a plan to exit the European Union (EU). Most of this action under Theresa May appears to have been a stalling action.  The pols hoped that at some point the British would lose interest and the fact that the voting population had spoken out in favor of leaving the EU would disappear into history.

The fact that the Brits had voted for Brexit was as surprising as PDJT winning the Presidency here.  The polls had all shown that Brexit would go down to defeat.  Supposedly there was little chance it would pass.  The polls were wrong again.

Stalling eventually cost Theresa May her job.  The people were not happy that the UK was still in the EU.  Boris Johnson’s Party achieved a majority around the idea that he would complete the process including, if needed, a “no-deal” Brexit.

On Tuesday 21 globalist members of Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party crossed lines to vote with Jeremy Corbyn’s globalists in the Labour party to stop the UK from leaving the EU.  Essentially the two party mask (Labour vs Conservative) was dropped in order to stymie the will of the people.  The Uni-party is now in full view in Great Britain.

The political process there is different.  How this will end is unclear.  Johnson is threatening to call for SNAP elections but would need a two-thirds vote of Parliament to accomplish this.  Corbyn is unlikely to permit this since he knows that the people would likely vote the globalists out of office.  If a SNAP election were held, Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage would rally the British people to remove the globalists in BOTH parties.

This is the same battle that is going on in this country right now.  As Sundance over at CTH has noted,

And believe it or not, this is happening all over the globe.  It is the nationalists (the common people) vs the globalists (the elites).  It is freedom-loving people vs top-down control of all systems both political and economic.

Remember, globalism requires Big Government, central planning, and full control by political elites.  Socialism needs exactly the same structure.  This is why the globalists need the schools to spread their lies about socialism being a “good” system of government.  This allows the multinational corporations, financial elites, to make rules for the underclass, the rubes so to speak.  Socialism (communism) requires the exact same top-down process.  Globalist corruption is global in its scope and knows no limits in doing whatever is necessary to further its agenda.

Donald Trump (U.S.), Nigel Farage (U.K), Matteo Salvini (Italy), Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil) and Shinzo Abe (Japan) are all disrupting agents. Each of them believes in individual freedom to a greater or lesser degree and are nationalistic toward their country’s economics.  They are opposed to the top-down control that benefits the multinationals.

The US Constitution and Bill of Rights is a direct impediment to the globalist’s goal of total control over everything.   This is a World War, and truly a war for the fate and future of humanity.  It is a battle for a free people vs a totalitarian way of governing.  It is the Tea Party vs the Democrats and the GOPe Republicans.

It has many fronts. In Great Britain this battle is the Brexiteers vs the Remainers.  In France it is the yellow vests vs Macron with their protests going on every weekend for almost a year now.  It is Hong Kong vs China (three months now).  It is Matteo Salvini’s party vs Giuseppe Conte’s party in Italy.  It is Christianity vs ISIS’ dream of a world-wide caliphate.

They all need the same kind of totalitarian, authoritarian regimes.  They are aided and abetted in this by most of the MSM. This is why the Clintons became fabulously wealthy in a decade and a half.  Hillary was expected to bring America into this scheme when she became President.  PDJT threw a big monkey wrench into their plans.  That’s why they are after him 24/7/365.

Hopefully more and more people around the world are waking up to the threat posed by the globalists.