All The News That’s Fit To Print

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This is the slogan of the NYTimes. As has been pointed out here many times, the NYTimes often does not report accurately on the news. And when they do, they often report with a bias in support of Democratic talking points and against anything that might show PDJT and the Republicans in any kind of a positive light.

Of course, they lost any claim to fair and balanced reporting a long time ago. Their coverage of the shooting down of TWA 800 on July 17, 1996 closed the door on the “Gray Lady” as being a purveyor of accurate reporting. One can only speculate that that had something to do with their fear of the possible Republican presidency of Bob Dole.

This week the NYTimes continued their support of all things Democratic by tweeting the following about that truly evil event that occurred 18 years ago:

“Airplanes took aim” at the World Trade Center? Who “aimed” these airplanes? Is the NYTimes so afraid of backlash from their Democratic friends, particularly Reps. Omar, Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez, that they cannot report a truth that is known around the world?  These were acts of terrorism perpetrated by Muslim terrorists. Muslims, particularly in the Middle East, literally danced in the streets when the Towers came down.

As Rep. Ilhan Omar so memorably expressed it, “some people did something.” Some people…could have been anyone, perhaps some Republican white males who, everyone knows, are racist, sexist, homophobic and Islamophobic. Of course, if this had been the case, it would have been a very big deal to the NYTimes. Anyway, it could have been anyone and what they did was just…something. No big deal.

Apparently, in this case, the NYTimes badly misjudged the American public’s acquiescence to what they publish. And to the fact that millions still remember vividly what happened that day. Millions remember where they were and what they were doing when the Towers came down.

This was not some act of senseless “airplane violence.” People aimed those planes and those people were not the pilots.

After an incredible amount of backlash the NYTimes felt compelled to delete the original tweet and issue an updated one.

Lost? These innocent people were slaughtered and that’s news that is fit to print.

May those who facilitate the twisting and downplaying of what happened that day find some other line of work perhaps sweeping the floors of a Holocaust museum.