Hissy Fit On Meet The Press

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Senator Ron Johnson appeared on Meet The Press on Sunday with Chuck Todd.  Ostensibly this was to talk about certain comments Johnson made about the Ukraine hoax. Todd obviously was trying to propagate a Democratic narrative about Republicans having problems with the President’s conversation with Ukraine’s President.

Todd very quickly lost all control of the interview when Sen. Johnson refused to kowtow to Todd’s scripted narrative.  Sen. Johnson had come prepared for Todd’s efforts to discredit the truth.

With his extreme bias being exposed with every second that the interview continued, Todd had a hissy fit.  He tried everything including talking over Johnson and shouting to attempt to get back to his pre-scripted narrative.  At one point Todd tried trying to paint Sen. Johnson as a crazy “Fox News conspiracy theorist.”  All of this was to no avail.

It would seem that some Republicans have come to realize that they do not need to be nice guys in the face of blatant bias and dishonesty. Just as PDJT does, they are beginning to fight back.  It is difficult to remember a Republican not named Trump who ever confronted the media as effectively!

Todd tried a half a dozen different tactics to attempt to get back to his biased attack on the President.

First, when the opposition started naming names too close to the truth, interrupt them and cut them off.  Second, utilize the terms “conspiracy theory” and “propaganda” to cover any facts the opposition brings up.  Do this many times as you need to in order to stifle the truth.  This was a tactic that the Clintons used for many years to deflect attention away from their numerous corrupt acts.

Next, gaslight your audience.  Fourth, have research on your opposition guest available that you can parlay with your narrative.

Next, insert “I don’t know why Fox News conspiracy propaganda stuff is popping up here” or “I know the way to avoid a question is to attack us in the press” whenever you need to change the subject.

Finally, to deflect attention away from the guilt of a Democrat or leftist Deep State operative during the interview, bring up a person convicted by the Deep State like Paul Manafort or any other Republican.

In the end Sen. Johnson did a good job of sticking to his guns and not being deflected. Todd was not prepared for Johnson coming out on fire. Johnson owned the airtime as he kept hammering away with the truth.  As a result more people were exposed to the lies of the MSM and the Democrats.

In the end Johnson made Todd look like an intellectual lightweight. And the President noticed.

See the entire interview below.