Pelosi Losing Her Mind?

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Is Nancy Pelosi losing her mind?  The longer that this fake “impeachment inquiry” goes on, the more damage she is doing to Joe Biden’s campaign.  The source of this damage is the Ukraine during 2015-2016.  More and more documents regarding the malfeasance of the Biden’s, the Kerry’s and others are being exposed.

It almost seems as if Pelosi doesn’t care what happens to these people that she has worked with for many years.  Is this what happens when you become so obsessed with power that you lose touch with reality?  Perhaps there should be a 25thAmendment for Speakers of the House.

Then there is the damage she is doing to the Democratic primary candidates and whoever survives the warfare that is on the horizon among them.  Every single major move against PDJT brings a surge in small dollar donations to the Trump Re-election campaign.  Wednesday was the biggest day yet with more than $3 million pouring into the campaign coffers.

Of course, all of this activity by the Democrats is by design.  When the Democrats won control of the House back in November, 2018, they hired additional attorneys from the Lawfare group for just two committees, Judiciary and HPSCI.  It seems clear in hindsight that the Democrats always intended to use the HPSCI committee attorneys to construct an impeachment narrative that would then be handed off to Judiciary.

The Obama administration embedded highly partisan individuals in the National Security Staff.  At the beginning of the Trump administration the number on the staff had grown from 100 during Bush 43’s administration to almost 250 at the end of the Obama administration.

The use of a “whistleblower” was always the plan.  Changing the rules for submission of a whistleblower report was always part of the plan.  The Democrats were just looking for some activity that they might create a fake narrative around.  The Ukraine call where the President was carrying out his mandated duties was just the convenient activity.

Does Pelosi really believe that having a serial liar like Adam Schiff lead this inquiry is a good idea?  Does Pelosi really believe that they will be able to overthrow the government of the United States?  I am sure that we could find any number of head doctors who will readily testify that this demonstrates a derangement that is of significant danger to the national security of America.

I am sure that as this latest attempt dissolves like a sand castle at high tide, Speaker Pelosi will have some other deranged idea to try next.  Pelosi seems to be hoping that, by sheer volume of fake accusations, the American public’s mind will wander over to support the Democrats in their quest for power.

An old saying comes to mind.  Fool me once shame on you.  Fool me twice shame on me.  The surge in donations to the President’s re-election campaign seems to suggest that more and more Americans are not going to be fooled.

The clear desperation of the Democrats suggests that the nature of IG Horowitz’s report on FISA abuses as well as US Attorney Durham’s investigations will be particularly damaging to the Democrats as a whole as well as many of their more public members.

One can only hope so.  One can only hope that, in the end, these miscreants will never again rule over anyone.

2 thoughts on “Pelosi Losing Her Mind?

  1. Bill

    Is this the new norm? In 2013 Democrats used a rare parliamentary move to change the rules so that federal judicial nominees and executive-office appointments can advance to confirmation votes by a simple majority of senators, rather than the 60-vote supermajority that has been the standard for nearly four decades, a power play they said was necessary to fix a broken system but one that Republicans said will only rupture it further. Come 2017-2019, it came back to haunt them when trying to defeat Trump’s nominee’s to the U.S. Supreme Court. Today, we see a new process to address and remedy a presidential election in which your party’s nominee was defeated. You simply do “whatever it takes”, and by whatever means neccessary, but just short of assassination, to unseat the duly elected president, who is not “your president”. Unfortunately, this approach is being adopted by individual citizens as well, where simply disclosing or expressing your political affilliation may result in physical harm by those who do not share your views. If a Democrat takes the White House in 2020, shall we expect the Republicans to act accordingly and return the favor? Four more years of constant attacks, disputes, disruptions and disfunction within our government because “their president” was not elected?. I hope not, and expect that the Republicans are sofisticated and rational enough to accept and work fairly with the newly elected president until the next election, when you can try again. This is how the system is designed and supposed to work. We are not a third world country where our president is determined by coups.

  2. Make My Day

    The real question is “Can the genie be put back in the bottle?” The Democrats have unleashed chaos in the country with unprovoked attacks on people who do not share their worldview. Whether these attacks are physical or are of the character assassination type is immaterial.

    I only answer I can see is prosecution in the courts of those who violated the law. This is an attempted coup. There appears to have been clear violations of the NSA data feeds and of how they corrupted the FARA process to spy on anyone who was a member of the political opposition. This must lead to lengthy prison sentences as a deterrent to future misdeeds. This has been a corruption of the public trust that is unprecedented in this country.

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