Papal Indiscretions

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Just when one thinks that the Left could not stoop any lower, along comes something else to prove otherwise.  George Orwell’s 1984 is alive and well on the Left.  The Democrats have been piling on ridiculous claim after ridiculous claim through their Soviet-style “impeachment inquiry.”

Now Pope Francis has decided to get in on the act.  It is well known that Pope Francis does not particularly care for PDJT and his style of dealing with people.  The Pope turned the facts upside down with comments made to other Jesuits during a trip to Thailand.

According to Breitbart News:

This is absolutely ludicrous.  This is a man who is supposed to be a Jesuit.  His use of language, analogies, etc. is supposed to be far above average.  Let’s break this down and take a closer look at what’s what.

King Herod did separate children from their parents permanently.  According to the Bible, he had all boys younger than two years of age slaughtered in his quest to end the life of Baby Jesus.  Today it is true that some children are separated from their “parents” after crossing the border illegally while familial lineages are being investigated.   However, President Trump isn’t killing any babies at the border.   Not only that but, he has vastly reduced the number of such family separations.  Things are a far cry from what they were during the Obama administration.

However, on the other side of the aisle, Queen Pelosi, a Catholic, still expresses unwavering support for the systematic murdering of unborn children in direct contradiction of Church teachings regarding the sanctity of all life.  Comparing her to King Herod would be appropriate.  Nearly all of her colleagues in the Senate supported the killing of babies born alive during an abortion.  However, somehow it is PDJT who is compared with Herod.

The Pope’s complaint about there being no wall for drug dealers misses the point. Here we have definitely entered the world of 1984.  A wall is wanted to help stop the flow of illegal drugs.  However, the open-borders lobby, led by Queen Pelosi, are the ones preventing it, not President Trump.

Perhaps the Pope should have an audience with Nancy Pelosi if he’s not a hypocrite. He could then discuss with her the various anti-Christian activities of the Democratic Party.  He could pursue questions about why the Democrats are trying to reduce the influence of Christianity in the everyday lives of Americans.  He could ask her why she is trying to use political correctness as a substitute for morality.

The Pope could ask why elite Democrats refer to people who practice their Christianity on a daily basis as “bitter clingers.”  The Pope could also point out that drug dealer monies and cartel-smuggling fees are trying to create a Sodom and Gomorrah here on the American continent.   The Pope could note that this is the direct handiwork of the Democrats and their MSM buddies by not supporting a wall.

This is just junk thinking on the part of the Pope if it is not an outright attempt to help the Democrats remove PDJT from office.  America takes in more legal migrants than any place on earth.  Doesn’t the Pope know this?  Just what were his motivations in making such a statement?