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Nancy Pelosi went on George Stephanopoulos’s show on Sunday trying to build the narrative that the protests the world is seeing in Iran were the result Iran’s downing of the airliner that killed more than 170 people.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi downplayed these protests.

“The protesters are protesting — as I understand it, this brand of protesters — about the fact that that plane went down,” Pelosi said in an interview with ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on “This Week on Sunday.”

However, the chants being heard over and over are “They are lying that our enemy is America! Our enemy is right here!” And Reuters reported some in Tehran and the central city of Isfahan were heard on videos Monday shouting “Clerics get lost!”

Hanif Jazayeri, a London-based Iranian opposition activist, wrote on Twitter that chants of “Death to the dictator” were heard in the “farthest-reaching districts of Iran.”

So once again, the Democrats are living in some alternate reality and are trying to manufacture fake news about the situation in the Middle East.  They cannot stand that PDJT’s approach seems to be working.

Maajid Nawaz tweeted a thread about this that sums up very well what we have been seeing from the Left and from celebrities since the death of Soleimani.  Nawaz takes Leftists and celebrities APART for their reaction to Soleimani’s death.

Check out the entire thread here.