The Attempted Coup Continues

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Speaker Pelosi put on a made-for-tv spectacle in deciding to advance the sham impeachment to the Senate on Wednesday.  She appointed the House managers for this farce.  It was a real spectacle. Nancy Pelosi pretending she was President with signing pens in silver trays. Then there was the ceremonial march to the Senate.

These people will forever be known as those who participated in an attempted coup to overthrow the government of the United States.  Perhaps Speaker Pelosi asked, “Are there any traitors to the Constitution in the room?” and their hands went up because they thought they could get on the gravy train that Pelosi has been on.  Of course, they forgot to wear the white robes and the pointed white hats.

Coup Managers

All of this revolves around hate.  The Democrats hate being out of power.  They hate PDJT because he won the 2016 election.  They hate the fact that much of their corrupt activities in Washington are being exposed bit by bit.  They hate that PDJT is having many successes for the American people.  The Democrats hate that their foreign policy exploits are being exposed as corrupt.  They would rather side with the mullahs in Iran than the American people.

The American people have been the most effectively lied to people in modern times thanks primarily to the American political class, the American bureaucracy, the American media, and American academia.  PDJT has called them out on this.  This is another reason that they hate him.

Every day more independent news sources spring up on the Internet.  This means that control of the narrative is slipping away from them.  The Democrats are desperate.  They will say and do anything to stem the tide rising against them.

After watching the whole of the political class since Donald J. Trump walked down that escalator in Trump Tower, it is clear that most of the them will sell their souls and our bodies just to remain in power.

Joe Biden is running for President because if he didn’t, all of the Democrats’ money laundering (including his part in it) would be exposed by now.  Biden is a set piece in their impeachment scam.  There is no other reason for him running since it is obvious to all who listen to him that he is failing mentally.  Of course, the same can be said for Speaker Pelosi.

It is time to drain the swamp!