Silence Is Consent

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Are the Democrats and their allies in the media trying to foment a civil war in this country?  Does anyone ever hear someone on the Left speak out against violence when it is directed at a person who is a Trump supporter, someone who is a conservative?  How often does one hear the implication that a Trump supporter “had it coming” because all Trump supporters are racists, homophobes, misogynists, white supremacists, etc.

The following incident is stomach-turning and is just one incident in a long list of such incidents since PDJT started campaigning for the Presidency.  This was ten months to the day after the media beatdown of Nick Sandmann for wearing a MAGA hat and smiling at a Native American who was taunting him.  Do not look away.  This is the kind of thing that the Democrats and the media have been condoning by their silence.  This is what is in store for all Trump supporters if the Democrats ever return to power in Washington.

A 14-year-old boy was hospitalized in November after being beaten by multiple suspects on his ride home from school.  He was attacked for voicing his support for President Donald Trump and for wearing a “Make American Great Again” hat.  See media reports here and here.

At the hospital older bruises from previous beatings at school were found.  It was at this point that the parents found out about the bullying he had been undergoing.  See a 21-second video of a small part of the attack below.

As reported over at LBA, this is the media’s fault.

Of course, if the media would report such incidents accurately, there might be a chance at a diminishment of such incidents over time.  However, they don’t and their hatred of the President means that they won’t.

It is time to call for a boycott of all media outlets (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, WaPo and NYTimes) that refuse to report the news accurately.  Perhaps hitting them in their pocketbooks will get their attention.