Impeachment 2.0 Ends

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The farce known as the impeachment of PDJT is over.  Well, of course, it is not truly over just yet.  There is the vote of the “jurors” that still has to be taken.  That is scheduled for sometime Wednesday at this point.

This is probably a good time to step back and take a look at the events from the 30,000-foot level.  When one does this, the pattern immediately becomes obvious.  All of the events since the election in 2016 (actually there were events even before that…”insurance policy”) have been geared to the removal of PDJT from office.  This has been simply about the Democrats, the Deep State and the media working together to accomplish this.  They are scared to death that PDJT will actually return the power to the people.

It started with the Crossfire Hurricane counter intelligence operation based on the fraudulent FISA warrants.  This was handed off to Weissmann using Mueller as a front man for the operation.  This is now known as the Trump-Russia hoax or Impeachment 1.0.   One could also call it Coup 1.0.  This only happened because Rod Rosenstein and others managed to convince Jeff Sessions to recuse himself.  Sessions did not have to do this.  However, being honorable Sessions stepped aside.

Why the use of a Special Counsel?  The traitors had no other path to eliminating PDJT.  Both the House and the Senate were in Republican hands.  Embedded corrupt officials within the government worked to try to take out the President.  They knew from the get-go that there was no there there.  The operation was to try to entrap PDJT with an obstruction of justice charge.  This is what they spent most of the $30+ million on.  This was our taxpayer dollars at work.

Bill Barr becoming AG is the beginning of the end for this operation.  Coup 1.0 fully collapses with Mueller’s testimony in Congress.  Long before this point the Democrats realized that attempting to continue down this path was a loser.  It would be good for some late night jabs at the President from time to time but wouldn’t carry much weight toward impeaching him.

From 30,000 feet if you look at the whole timeline behind the Trump-Ukraine impeachment hoax, Coup 2.0 clearly emerges.  The Democrats were prepared for the eventuality of Mueller failing.  They knew that there was no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign long before the 2018 mid-terms.  They had failed to goad PDJT into an obstruction of justice situation.  Winning the House during the 2018 mid-terms allowed them to set about to change to House rules to make it easier to impeach the President.

Sundance at CTH reports,

But the House crew Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and Cummings, together with their dozen Lawfare contractors, had the impeachment architecture already built; the rules were already established to use it.  The preparation came forth when they initiated the Trump-Ukraine hoax.  Essentially, impeachment 2.0.

Look at the timelines.  Rule changes, personnel placement, headline stories about Ukraine activity in the 2016 election… consider the DNC knowing how Ukraine was used and how various elements were deployed for the targeted weaponization of the apparatus in 2016.

Ukraine was a huge exposure risk for the Democrats.  More and more credible reports were coming out about illegal activities by elite members of the Obama administration during the 2016 election campaign.  Rudy Giuliani was in Ukraine taking depositions and generally poking around areas that were problematic for the Democrats.  Biden and his family were at the heart of some of this.

I have long contended that the Ukraine impeachment farce was dependent on Joe Biden running for President.  PDJT is intent on rooting out corruption.  The Democrats knew about Giuliani and what their own role had been in Ukraine.  The ambassador had been recalled to Washington.  The President was using a special envoy for communications with the new government.  The Democrats were facing a potential firestorm headed their way.

Did they talk Biden into running?  Probably not.  However, they also did not stand in his way and provided signals to the media to help publicize his running.  This undoubtedly appealed to Joe Biden to take the plunge.

The Biden candidacy was simply being used to provide the basis for a narrative to go after PDJT.  Keep in mind that Joe Biden is not a viable candidate.  His cognitive faculties have declined.  He is a non-stop gaffe machine.  He is combative with people at his rallies.  With this attempt at impeaching PDJT coming to an end, the Biden candidacy will likely take a nosedive.  I doubt if he will still be running in two months.  Stories are already starting to creep into the media that are less than favorable about Biden.  And Bloomberg has been allowed to make the next debate.

However, last spring the Democrats needed Biden to be running.  This allowed them to frame a routine conversation with the President of Ukraine as Trump “trying to use a foreign government to interfere in the 2020 election.”  Without Biden running that story does not exist.  The real investigative story is about money laundering and other corruption in Ukraine.

Was Biden aware he was being used?  Probably not.  Biden decided to run probably because he found out that Giuliani was asking questions in Ukraine. The scandal in Ukraine was the driving force.  His son was hugely exposed.  For Joe that would have been enough.

Keep in mind that none of this is possible without a complicit media running every story they can for the Democrats and against anyone who dares to stand against them.

With this attempt ending, what will be the next thing the Democrats try?  What will be the format of the next attempt?  Will our country survive this nonsense?