Schumer Unhinged

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Most of the left has been driven insane by President Trump’s election.   As many people are aware, PDJT’s ongoing successes has created a new mental condition known as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).  TDS is the acute onset of mental derangement in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies and the presidency of Donald John Trump.  TDS makes it extremely difficult for a person afflicted to act in the manner of a normal, rational person.

Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senate Minority Leader, has now demonstrated to the entire world that he is afflicted with this mental condition.  Schumer has lost any sense of good judgment.  On Wednesday outside the Supreme Court at a rally in favor of murdering unborn children, Schumer was reduced to shouting out threats against the justices of the Supreme Court.  How can this be the action of a normal, rational person?  Has Chuck Schumer lost his mind?  You be the judge.

Schumer referred to a case being argued in the Supreme Court.  It concerns a Louisiana law that required abortion providers to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their location.

He spoke in front of a rabid group who believe in the “right” to kill an unborn child if one wishes to do so.  He referred to abortion, that is, the killing of an unborn child, as a “right.”  Since when is the killing of another human being a right?

Schumer went on to say that Republicans are waging a war on all women.  The real war being waged is one by Schumer against many potential women since half of all abortions are female.  Of course, at this stage of their life, the unborn are not voters so Schumer doesn’t worry about blowback at the ballot box.

Schumer then went on to threaten both Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh.  This was clearly an attempt to intimidate the justices into voting a specific way.  Now impassioned politicians regularly engage in hyperbole. But Schumer’s remarks were inexcusable by any standard.

This shows just how mentally unhinged Schumer has really become.  Schumer did this in full view of many people.  He demonstrated, just as Nancy Pelosi did at the State of the Union address, that he has lost his mind.  Are the cognitive abilities of all elite Democratic Party politicians being damaged by TDS?

It’s not as if Kavanaugh has not suffered enough from the vicious, evil schemes of the pro-abortion left.  A good man’s family will likely never recover from what the Democrat goons on the Senate Judiciary Committee did to him and them.

Schumer’s spokesman Justin Goodman said Schumer was addressing Republican congressmen when he said a price would be paid.  Here is what Schumer said.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward.” 

The idea that this was addressed to Republican congressmen is absurd.  Schumer was clearly threatening Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

Schumer’s tirade is revealing in another way.  Threatening political opponents, whether with violence or with prosecution, is how the Democratic Left operates. They are thugs, each and every last one of them, and Schumer has done us all a favor by reminding all Americans of this fact.

The Dems have brainwashed women believe that if the “right” to murder unborn children is taken away, next it will be the right to vote.  After that it will be the right to drive. And then the right to work outside the home.  Abortion is not a constitutional right anymore than the right to kill your neighbor is.  Roe v. Wade was the most wrong-headed decision in history of the court.

The Declaration of Independence clearly elucidates the principles upon which the nation was founded: “That we are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights among them Life…”  The first words of the Constitution are, “In order to form a more perfect union…” How can murdering babies help to form a more perfect union?  How can an unborn child not have the right to life?

The absolute lunacy of the modern Democratic Party is on display for all to see.  Schumer’s misbehavior is a huge reminder of the importance of defeating the party that believes in one set of laws for most people and a different set of laws for themselves.