DNC Primary Update

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Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden appear to be well on their way to providing America with the possibility of watching a circus unfold in Milwaukee this summer.  The possibility of a brokered convention is rising.  And it may be a lot worse than that.  Bernie Bros are threatening to burn the city if Sanders does not get the nomination.

With wins in multiple states on Tuesday Biden is atop the leader board.  Clearly Buttigieg and Klobuchar withdrawing just days before the election helped Biden.  Whether this was planned or not by the DNC, the effect was the same.  Biden had a good night when he needed it.

Warren staying in the race hurt Sanders who would have won three more states if she had dropped out.  Warren talked about maintaining momentum as the primary season slogs on.


However, a third place finish in her home state shows that her momentum is negative.  I am sure that the DNC would like her to continue to siphon votes away from Sanders.  Perhaps, they could provide some financial incentive to do so.  It is rumored that Warren is in conversations with both the Biden and Sanders campaigns about where her support will go when she does stop campaigning.

Mike Will Get It Done Bloomberg did not get it done.  He picked up a few delegates after spending half a billion dollars of his own money campaigning.  And Bloomberg is done as he has announced the end of his campaign.

As expected, he endorsed Joe Biden.  This will undoubtedly be a boost for Biden since the Bloomberg campaign apparatus will now come into play for Biden as Bloomberg tries to play king maker.

Bloomberg, as an oligarch, was a lot more successful in 2018 when he spent a little over $100 million to “buy” 21 House seats for the Democrats. He bought the Virginia legislature as well.

So, Biden, who clearly has early signs of dementia, is now the frontrunner for the Democratic establishment.  In second place is Bernie Sanders, who is a self-avowed socialist (Sanders is really a communist).  Surprisingly Sanders garnered the most votes in California’s primary election.  An interesting sidelight here is that some networks have not called California for Sanders despite a substantial lead.  Are we going to see more “ballot harvesting,” aka voter fraud, in California?

In many ways these results are scary.  As a result of mass indoctrination in our schools, Marxism/socialism/communism poll well with younger voters.

Of course, these millennials have lived within the privilege of capitalism all their lives.   They have no clue how destructive communism is.  They have little or no idea how many tens of millions of people were killed to advance the cause of communism in the twentieth century.  Perhaps they need to spend some time in the latest failure of socialism, Venezuela.

Or they could spend some time in a city like San Francisco where they could get a whiff of socialism’s ultimate fate around the homeless encampments there.  Medieval diseases long eradicated in the developed world have returned to cities like San Francisco.  If COVID-19 ever gets a strong foothold in this country, it could race through areas like this.

The DNC appears to have achieved their objective.  That objective has been to blunt Bernie Sanders’ momentum.  They started on this in Iowa with the disastrous rollout of the caucus results.  This hurt Sanders going forward.  They will want the party to coalesce around Joe “Sleepy” Biden and to keep him viable until Milwaukee.  Then, if they can deny Sanders a first round ballot victory, the super delegates can take over and dictate who will be the nominee.

One can expect to see a softening of the questions that Joe Biden has to answer as the media falls in line with the DNC’s plans.  The failure of certain networks to call California for Sanders appears to be part of that plan to help Biden.

Regardless of whether it is Sanders or Biden, the result is the same.  Socialism/communism will be on the ballot in November.  Sanders does not hide his intentions or ideology.  The Sanders wing of the party showed that it cannot be muscled aside.  And Biden never saw an Obama program he did not like.  All of Obama’s efforts were to transform the country into a Marxist one.

If either one heads up the ticket, the choice in November will be between the freedom the founding fathers gave us and top-down control of the country via socialism/communism.