Democrats Hate Ordinary Americans Except At Election Time

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As some people had observed during the Obama administration, the Democrats only care about Americans at election time.  At all other times their only real concern is how much money they can gather in campaign donations from the “dark money” areas of the country.

This is the party that screams and hyperventilates about dark money in politics.   However, they are once again just projecting what they are doing.  The Democrats are the chief beneficiaries from such money.  Even during the 2008 election four of the five richest individuals who participated in donating money to campaigns did so to Democratic causes.

During the 2016 election the Democrats outspent the Republicans by more than 2 to 1.  At the same time they were doing this, they and their allies in the media were complaining about dark money in politics.

This movement of money is a two way street.  When the opportunity to send money towards their richest contributors occurs, they are quick to sponsor legislation to make that happen.

This is now happening again.  Congress is attempting to craft a relief bill for Americans who have been negatively impacted by the economic situation created by COVID-19.  Rank and file members of both parties bypassed party leadership and had come up with what they felt was a good bill.

The CARES Act was written and negotiated in a highly bipartisan manner.  Secretary Mnuchin provided advice.  Both Schumer and Pelosi praised the unified effort to give relief to Americans and to alleviate that economic distress.   Early Sunday evening Sen. Schumer told CNN, “to my delight and surprise there has been a great deal of bipartisan cooperation.”

Then, on Sunday night at the eleventh hour Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer said no to the bill because it did not fulfill their ideological wish list.  House Majority Whip Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), according to The Hill, led the charge to stop the bill and said the coronavirus crisis is “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

Briefly the NYTimes actually reported the news accurately.

But, after the editors realized that they were criticizing the Democrats, it was changed until it looked like this.

Remember a bi-partisan group of lawmakers came up with the bill.  It was satisfactory to the rank and file.  Even Schumer was pleased with the effort.  Then Pelosi snapped her fingers and all the Democrats got in line like good stormtroopers and voted in lock step against the bill.  Democrats do not care for Americans except to curry their vote at election time.

So, instead of providing relief for taxpayers and businesses, Pelosi and Schumer wanted to add abortion funding for Planned Parenthood.  How is murdering unborn children a need during this fiscal crisis?

The Democrats wanted to add more restrictive fuel emission standards for airlines as well as other debunked Green New Deal items that would weaken the economy.  How is that a need during this fiscal crisis?  And isn’t that counter-productive to helping the economy?

Another item on Pelosi’s list was wiping out student loan debt.  This is just a direct slap in the face to all Americans who believe in hard work and personal responsibility.  The Democrats hate hard-working Americans.

Pelosi also wants required early voting in every state along with required same day voter registration.  This is to make it easier for the Democrats to commit voter fraud.  How is this connected to the fiscal crisis at hand?

Pelosi also included “ballot harvesting” in her wish list. “Ballot harvesting” allows anyone to drop off someone else’s mail-in ballot at a polling station. There is no process for vetting or verifying those delivering the ballots — no background checks nor identification requirements. This is known in third world countries as “ballot stuffing.”  The possibilities for fraud are endless.

The practice is legal in California since 2017.  It has not yet been challenged in court despite its obvious avenues for fraud.

What does this have to do with the fiscal crisis at hand?

Pelosi called on President Trump to abandon his lawsuit seeking to strike down the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare.  Monday was the tenth anniversary of the disastrous law passed by Congress under Obama that saddled Americans with outrageously higher insurance premiums as well as health care costs.

Sen. Mitch McConnell said the emergency bill “is not about unrelated policy changes.”  It’s about “direct assistance to the American people,” he said, “and to small businesses and to hospitals and others who are in need because we in government at all levels, in order to deal with this pandemic, have basically shut the economy down.”

The Democrats do not want to do this without getting their pound of flesh.  They want to hold the country hostage so that they can advance their agenda.

Schumer’s explanation for backing away from the bill after praising it so lavishly was predictable.  Schumer trotted out that tired refrain that the Republicans led by the President were bailing out big business while ignoring the needs of average Americans.  This line may have fooled Americans in the past, but a majority of Americans now know that the Democratic Party is no longer the party of the working stiff.  They are clearly the party of big business and benefit the most from dark money donations.  And most Americans know that PDJT is the champion of the working man.

Trying to tie emergency relief with ideological issues is a clear strategy of deceit, corruption, and power mongering.  It worked in 2008 when Obama was the President-elect.  That resulted in the longest recession since the Great Depression.  However, Wall Street and Democratic campaign donors like Solyndra made out like a bandit.

The Democrats have shown once again they don’t give a s**t about the average American. They would rather push their left-wing agenda.  Pelosi is worth tens of millions of dollars so she doesn’t care about struggling Americans. For her it’s all about a power grab.  And this may be the Democrats’ last chance to weaken the President before the election in November.

Republican outrage was predictably high.  Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., confirmed on Twitter Monday morning that Pelosi and Schumer “are willing to risk your life, your job, your retirement savings for a radical, left-wing wish list that has nothing to do with this virus. Disgraceful.”

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) one of the middle of the road senators said,

“We are in the midst of a crisis in our country caused by the coronavirus. When it comes to Americans’ health and saving Americans’ jobs and our small businesses, we don’t have another day. We don’t have another hour. We don’t have another minute to delay acting.”

The Republicans need to do more than just talk.  Secretary Mnuchin should publish a detailed graphic with a schedule of where the money is proposed to be allocated.  The graphs and charts should show what the Democrats and RINO’s have hidden into the bills they are trying to pass.  More sunlight and more attention needs to be shown on how they are spending our money.

Americans need to scream for a “clean” relief bill.  No pork.  No handouts to favored corporations.  No 1000-2000 page bill that we need to pass so we can find out what is in it.  What the President said at his daily briefing on Monday on the virus is appropriate, “People should not be exploiting the virus for their own benefit.”  The Democrats should take note.

Perhaps Sen. John Kennedy’s (R-LA) comment Monday is apropos right now.

“Do you know what the American people are thinking right now? They’re thinking that the brain is an amazing organ. It starts working in a mother’s womb, and it doesn’t stop working until you get elected to Congress.”
