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PDJT lowers the boom on ICIG Michael Atkinson.  PDJT has sent a letter to Congress giving them 30-days advance notice of the firing.

Atkinson was part of the plot to overthrow President Trump through the faux impeachment over the Ukraine phone call.  Atkinson changed the ICIG rules to allow rumors to be the basis of a whistleblower complaint.  It is rumored that he did this at the behest of Mary McCord who is part of the Lawfare group who were coordinating with Adam Schiff in the House.  Keep in mind that the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel has blasted Atkinson for “poor legal judgment” in the filing of the complaint.

Apoplexy erupted on the Left.  The usual whiners among the Democrats jumped in to defend Atkinson despite knowing of his corrupt involvement in the impeachment process.  Sen. Schumer, who was called out by PDJT this week for lying about the administration’s coronavirus response, lied again.

“Michael Atkinson is a man of integrity who has served our nation for almost two decades. Being fired for having the courage to speak truth to power makes him a patriot.”

Adam Schiff, the liar-in-chief for the Democratic Party, worked closely with Atkinson during the construction phase of the faux impeachment.  Schiff did not release Atkinson’s testimony in the House basement.  Schiff was probably concerned about questions surrounding Atkinson’s involvement in constructing the complaint.  It is unclear when the last time was that Schiff told the truth.  His last name has become synonymous with BS.

“President Trump’s decision to fire Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson is yet another blatant attempt by the President to gut the independence of the Intelligence Community and retaliate against those who dare to expose presidential wrongdoing.”

These people can whine to the MSM all they want.  Sunlight is coming slowly to the despicable activities of these people.