Another Email

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As anyone who has followed the Michael Flynn case will attest, the progress of the Flynn case from his plea to his sentencing has been slow.  There are glaciers in Alaska in winter that have been moving faster than this case.  However, now it’s like a spring thaw on a frozen river.

As is becoming more and more apparent with each passing day, elite figures within the Obama-Biden administration conspired to frame LTG Flynn.  As a seasoned intelligence officer who would be head of the NSC, Flynn was a threat to uncovering the plot to overthrow the administration of PDJT.  That threat had to be eliminated.

I am speculating here.  It seems to me that AG Bill Barr probably detected problems with the Flynn case some time ago.  Barr may have discerned that the prosecution was bogus.  After all, Barr has said that spying on the Trump campaign was “without basis.”  Barr was lambasted by the media for doing so “without offering evidence.”  Since when is the media entitled to see the evidence in a criminal case?

Barr also knew that the DOJ going to the judge and dropping the case would look like PDJT was pulling strings.  There would have been charges of PDJT “politicizing” the DOJ.  So, instead, early this year, Barr quietly asks a US Attorney from Missouri to review the case.  Barr probably already knew that exculpatory evidence would be discovered.  This would lead to handing over said evidence to the defense.  And that would lead to its publication since there are no restrictions on the defense in that regard.

The documents that were turned over so far detail “stunning” exculpatory evidence that was withheld from Flynn and his attorneys.  This slowly builds the case in public that an injustice was done to LTG Flynn.  This should lead Judge Sullivan to throwing out the case.  I suspect this was Barr’s plan all along.  After all, when did it become the mission of the FBI to invent crimes?  That’s something the KGB would do.

However, this approach also leads elsewhere.  I am certain that US Attorney, John Durham, is carefully reviewing all of this evidence as well.  Much of this evidence could show up in the future in conspiracy charges against high ranking members of the Obama-Biden administration.

As noted yesterday, Jim Jordan has asked Chris Wray, the director of the FBI, why such information has not been forthcoming from him.  One question that Jordan asked in particular is to “explain when you personally first learned of the FBI’s misconduct with respect to LTG Flynn.”

Today, this email surfaces.

This points to the possibility that Wray apparently may have had knowledge of the corrupt FBI activities back in January, 2018.  That’s over two years ago.  Remember that Wray’s response to the IG report was to order bias training.  Just how deep and wide does the corruption go in the highest levels of the FBI?

This also supports the idea that Peter Strzok re-wrote Pientka’s 302 at the request of Andrew McCabe because Pientka refused to do so.  Perhaps Pientka started out believing PDJT and company were crooked.  As they “investigated,” Pientka recognized the corruption was within the FBI ranks and wanted no part of it.  As noted previously, framing LTG Flynn may have been a bridge too far for Agent Pientka.

This email raises other questions.  Was this just a heads up from a friendly NYTimes reporter?  Or was there some other involvement by Covington in this case?  Was Covington trying to bury their client for political reasons?  Why wasn’t this information handed over to Sidney Powell previously?

How does all of this tie into the plot to overthrow the administration of PDJT?

The plot thickens.  Tick.  Tock.