Not A One-Off

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There are some people who are not completely brainwashed about what happened to Michael Flynn.  However, they want to believe that the Flynn case was unique.  They reluctantly admit that there seems to have been some corrupt activity going on in connection with this case.  However, they attribute this to personal animosity toward Flynn.  Such animosity overcame professional judgment.  They may even partially blame Flynn because he was opposed to President Obama’s foreign policies.  They admit it should never have happened but this was an unusual situation and does not reflect the normal course of business for these people.

Now I understand the desire to believe that this kind of corruption does not exist in our government as a normal course of business.  However, this was no one-time affair.  The following interview with Kathleen “K. T.” McFarland on Thursday should disabuse these people of this belief.

Some background on McFarland from Wikipedia.

Kathleen Troia “K.T.” McFarland was the Deputy National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump from January 20, 2017 to May 19, 2017.  McFarland served previously as a staff member on the U.S. National Security Council in the 1970s and a staff member at the Defense Department in the 1980s. McFarland was a Fox News national security analyst and a contributor to its website opinion page in the 2010s.

McFarland was speaking with Bill Hemmer and has written a book about her experiences with the FBI and the Mueller Hit Squad.

Bill Hemmer: KT, good afternoon to you!

K. T. McFarland: It’s a great day for the Republic!

Bill Hemmer: You were there when this all went down, you wrote a book about it–your reaction to the news from the Department of Justice, KT?

K. T. McFarland: It’s about time. My assumption is that the Justice Department has determined that there are an awful lot more incriminating documents that are going to come out about the people who are at the very top of the Justice Department and the FBI and, potentially, even in the intelligence agencies, or even in the Obama White House, who were involved in this. As I’ve said right from the beginning, I write about it at great length in my book, exactly what happened to General Flynn, exactly what happened to me. The FBI treated me the same way they did Flynn, showing up unannounced, suggesting I didn’t need a lawyer, and yet the whole time were setting him up and setting me up for perjury traps, where they trick you into making a tiny little mistake in your statement where you say, ‘well, it was Tuesday morning,’ and it turned out it was Wednesday afternoon. And then they can pounce and say that that was perjury. Bill, there’s nothing more sinister about what they did to Flynn, which is that they blackmailed him. And they threatened to charge his son unless Flynn pled guilty to a crime he didn’t commit.

Bill Hemmer: KT, two questions. Did you expect this move today, or were you hearing, were you catching wind of this at all?

K. T. McFarland: Um, I thought it was getting near to the point where something was going to break–whether the judge was going to throw out the case. I honestly didn’t think it was going to be the Justice Department, in essence, admitting that they’d done something wrong.

Bill Hemmer: OK, then another question for you. All the matters surrounding Russia–where are they now or have they, as I mentioned to Brett a moment ago, do they appear to have gone up in smoke in Washington DC?

K. T. McFarland: It was all a scam from the very beginning! When I was with General Flynn and President Elect Trump and met with the Intelligence directors on January 6th at Trump Tower, which is when Comey first told the President Elect about the Steele dossier they knew at the time that it was Russian disinformation. They knew it was a fake thing, but they seized on it as an excuse to investigate Flynn and Trump and a number of other people. And their plan all along, as I certainly experienced it personally, was to try to trick people into committing some crime or something they could claim was perjury and then try to force you to turn on others. They made it very clear to me that they expected me to plead guilty to a crime I didn’t commit, or to implicate Flynn or President Elect Trump, then President Trump, in crimes I didn’t think they committed. And only if they did that, only if I were going to do that, would they go away. In the end I didn’t break. I’m very proud of the fact that I didn’t, though I wasn’t threatened with blackmail like Flynn was.

Bill Hemmer: You talk as if you’re a person who feels vindication now. Do you?

K. T. McFarland: Not yet. Bill, until the people who did this are held accountable, and the sunlight shines on the things that the Justice Department and the FBI were doing–if they could do that to General Flynn and me. I was the most powerful woman in the West Wing of the White House. General Flynn was one of the most powerful people in the national security community, and yet the FBI thought that with impunity they could go after him. But Bill, it wasn’t about us. It was about ‘getting’ President Trump in his first couple of days in office to prevent him from effectively ruling. And I firmly believe that it was a group of people at the highest levels of the Intelligence Community, who didn’t like the election outcome, and so they were going to do what they could–using their power to try to hobble a duly elected president of the United States.

So McFarland was a senior advisor to the President on the National Security Council and was treated the same way as LTG Flynn.  Comey and his allies in the Obama-Biden administration believed that Trump was unfit for office.  They were determined to use any subterfuge, any scheme to oppose him, to remove him from office. They hoped they could get Flynn, McFarland, Stone, etc. to cooperate in incriminating others in the Trump campaign/administration, perhaps even the President himself.

As McFarland says, until the people who are involved in this are held accountable, there will be no feelings of vindication.  It is time for indictments.