Trial Balloons

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Governor Gavin Newsome of California became the latest governor to float a trial balloon on how long he can deny the constitutional rights of American citizens living in his state.   Newsom told residents in his state not to expect life to go back to normal from the coronavirus pandemic until after a vaccine is rolled out.

Newsome follows Governor Whitmer of Michigan who has indicated that she will ignore her legislature telling her to end her lockdown orders.  Whitmer is a wannabe dictator who does not want to give up the powers she has usurped.

Governor Ralph “Blackface” Northam of Virginia floated the idea of extending  “emergency” powers for at least two years a short while back.  Northam did this through the head of his state health department.  Norman Oliver said that Phase One restrictions would likely be in effect until an effective treatment or a vaccine were widely available.

“I, personally, think Phase One will be a two-year affair. There are a lot of people working on this, and I hope they prove me wrong, but I don’t see it happening in less than two years.”

The backlash from this was so severe that a Virginia Health Department spokesperson “clarified” this statement within 24 hours.

“Although we have no expectation that Phase One of this approach will last two years, some level of social distancing will have to continue until we have a treatment or a vaccine for the disease.”

In other words, based on the normal course for developing a vaccine, that would be 18-24 months.  Some “clarification.”

In California, Newsome said came right out and said it,

“We’re not going back to normal.  It’s a new normal, with adaptations and modifications, until we get to immunity and a vaccine.”

So Newsome is saying that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will not be in effect going forward.  The San Antonio mayor and city council recently joined in this parade.  They defined the term “Chinese virus” as hate speech.  Residents were encouraged to snitch on their neighbors.  Authorities will be sent to investigate you if you use this term or other similar terms.  This is nuts.  Do any of these people have even a rudimentary understanding of the Constitution?

All of these governors as well as others are trying to see if they can create a new “normal” where the Bill of Rights no longer exists.  Where they get to decide when people are allowed out, when people can go to work.  Arbitrary decisions about what work is essential is another lever of power they will pull.  And make no mistake about it.  If you are not part of the Compliant Citizenry, you will be cast out of the “good” society.

This is a broad-based attack on civil liberties.  These governors (and mayors as well) will say they are trying to protect the health and well-being of their citizens.  They will portray themselves as true champions of democracy and liberty.  They will try suppress any disagreement with their policies by shaming those who disagree with them.  They will call them Nazis, fascists, racists, etc.

Talk is cheap.  Actions speak louder than words.  Democratic governors impose restrictions well beyond CDC guidelines.  Then they refuse to end such restrictions.  In the near future I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of them standing with young children to illustrate their “good intentions.”  This would be just like Hitler did in the 1930’s when he disarmed the German population.  We all know how that ended.

It is time to end this nonsense.  We need more people like Shelley Luther to stand up and tell it like it is.  These restrictions are unlawful.  Recent hospital admissions in NY show that 66% came from people who were staying at home.   And that does not include the 16% that came from nursing homes.  So, how is staying at home helping in the battle against the Wuhan virus?

These governors and mayors are giving the American people a preview of how the Communists Democrats would govern if they ever again given legislative and executive branch control of our government.  The Rule of Law will be gone forever along with the greatest country in the history of the planet.